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The author mentions the "fund-raising fairs of the 1840s" primarily in order to
  • A.provide an example of the kind of grassroots work cited by scholars in support of their claim that women played an important role in early abolitionist circles.
  • B.give an example of evidence used by Jeffrey to support her challenge to the claim that women's participation in the abolitionist movement became marginalized at the end of the 1830s
  • C.upport Jeffrey's claim that in the decades preceding the Civil War, African American women's abolitionist groups were often more effective than were integrated abolitionist groups
  • D.show how a split in the abolitionist movement into political and nonpolitical factions resulted in the marginalization of women's participation
  • E.make a comparison between the kinds of abolitionist activities favored by integrated abolitionist groups and those favored by African American women's abolitionist groups


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