Kay WalkingStick' s diptychs (two-panel paintings) juxtapose naturalistic representations of landscapes with abstract forms, initiating a dialogue between two different forms of cognition and expression. Critics typically read these paintings as contrasting a Western perspective with a "tribal" or indigenous one. Such polarized treatment simplifies the conceptual complexity of WalkingStick' s work. WalkingStick herself uses "tribal" and "primal" interchangeably to describe art that employs intuitive, expressive techniques to communicate a sense of rawness, visual energy, and spirituality. WalkingStick does not restrict this quality to non-Western art, feeling that "we are all primal people in our souls... whether we' re Native American or [not]." Understood in these terms, the diptychs arguably undermine the dichotomy between Western and Indigenous art that discussions of WalkingStick's work tend to assume.
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