解析库 > 2021年10月全球GRE机经题




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Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
  • A.The various ancient texts that give precise formulas for the herbal preparation do not differ in the proportions they specify for the individual ingredients.
  • B.All of the ingredients in the herbal preparation are naturally occurring substances, whereas many modern arthritis drugs contain synthetic chemicals.
  • C.The herbal preparation was also used by ancient Mesopotamian people for certain conditions other than arthritis, and scientists have found it ineffective against those conditions as well.
  • D.Other treatments for arthritis that ancient Mesopotamian people frequently used instead of the herbal preparation have been found by scientists to aggravate the condition.
  • E.Many treatments for arthritis that were developed much more recently than the Mesopotamian herbal remedy have also been found ineffective by modem scientists.


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