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Which of the following, if true, would cast most doubt on the speculations of the "scientists"?
  • A.Future increases in precipitation in some areas resulting from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels would be balanced by decreases in precipitation in other areas.
  • B.The number of species of C3 crops cultivated worldwide would not change even if levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide doubled.
  • C.Farmers who currently cultivate C4 crops exclusively would be likely to switch to the cultivation of C3 crops to take advantage of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
  • D.Populations of insects that feed on C3 weeds are much more likely to increase as a result of climate change stemming from increased carbon dioxide levels than are populations of C3 food crop pests.
  • E.Increased carbon dioxide levels would raise global temperatures enough to extend the range of the most destructive bacterial crop pests into areas where most C3 crops would be grown.


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