Treasure hunters as well as archaeologists seek out remains of ancient settlements in central Asia. When treasure hunters find a site, they generally destroy much valuable archaeological information in the process of removing artifacts that they can sell Guarding the area where unexcavated sites might be found is impossible. Therefore, there is no way to preserve the archaeological value of unexcavated sites unless they can be found and excavated quickly.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
A.Once treasure hunters have found an ancient settlement, they generally find and extract from it all of the artifacts that have any cash value.
B.No measures that can be adopted have a realistic chance of convincing treasure hunters that they would be unable to obtain a worthwhile price for artifacts removed from ancient settlements.
C.There is currently adequate funding available, from government and private sources, for efforts to accelerate archaeological exploration in central Asia.
D.Although several months are usually needed for a thorough archaeological investigation of an ancient settlement, more sophisticated technology is becoming available to reduce that time.
E.In comparison with archaeologists, treasure hunters have less sophisticated techniques and equipment available for locating sites for excavation.