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The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements about the "writers on Nast"?
  • A.They established a once-dominant view of Nast's political cartoons that has now been rejected by most scholars.
  • B.They might have developed a more accurate understanding of Nast's relationship with Harper's Weekly if they had analyzed the content of Nast's cartoons more carefully.
  • C.For the most part, they have not sufficiently considered the effect of larger social changes on the way in which Nast's cartoons were perceived.
  • D.Many of them have misrepresented Nast's reasons for leaving Harper's Weekly, largely because they have misunderstood the true nature of Nast's political views.
  • E.In general, they have correctly characterized the sources of conflict between Nast and his editors at Harper's Weekly but have failed to describe accurately how the conflict developed.


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