解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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Which of the following describes a difference between the author and Grundy regarding British women writers' engagement with historical discourse?
  • A.The author thinks the engagement was determined primarily in response to developing literary markets; Grundy thinks it had little to do with such markets.
  • B.The author believes the engagement is reflected in numerous genres; Grundy thinks that one genre is specifically feminine.
  • C.The author emphasizes the heterogeneity of factors that influenced the engagement; Grundy suggests that the engagement was unified by one particular factor.
  • D.The author thinks the engagement was limited to women in certain social classes; Grundy thinks it was common to all classes.
  • E.The author believes the engagement was just beginning in the late 1700s; Grundy thinks it reached its peak then.


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