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The passage supports which of the following statements about the trees in the La Selva study?
  • A.During the El Nino year, they added considerably less wood than they did in cooler years during the period of 1984-2000.

  • B.During the El Nino year, they typically had higher rates of photosynthesis than they did in other years during the period of 1984-2000.

  • C.During the El Nino year, they released considerably more oxygen than they did in cooler years during the period of 1984-2000.

  • D.During the El Nino year, they took up considerably more CO2 than they did in cooler years during the period of 1984-2000.

  • E.The amount of CO2 that they absorbed remained constant throughout the entire period of 1984-2000.


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