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According to the passage, the ancient philosophy of the Nahua people is different from European-based philosophy in that
  • A.at the center of Nahua philosophy was a detached and unmoving deity, whereas Christianity is based on the notion of a dynamic, ever-flowing supernatural force
  • B.Nahua philosophy consisted of several interlocking concepts, whereas Western philosophy is composed only of dichotomies
  • C.Nahua philosophy was based on the notion that a vivifying and mutable force saturated all matter, whereas in Western religion there is little or no division between supernatural powers and the natural world
  • D.rather than promoting mutually exclusive but dependent binaries, Nahua philosophy fostered an integrated and holistic worldview
  • E.within Nahuas society there was not a strong sense of individualism, whereas in Western societies, worldviews based on dichotomies engender excessive concern for self


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