解析库 > Barron




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Select a sentence in the second paragraph whose function is to raise a possibility.
  • A.At first sight this would appear to be an early example of the type of scientific procedure proposed by Descartes in 1637 for eliminating all but one of a number of possible relationships.
  • B.In the ideal type of “critical” experiment, however, each “possibility” should be derived from existing data (or be a logical extrapolation of it) and the whole should be structured so that alternative possible explanations are excluded.
  • C.Failure to satisfy these requirements reduces an experiment to a level of controlled empiricism.
  • D.This was the weakness of Lind's work: the six “possible” cures that he compared were presumably selected empirically from those currently favored by ships' surgeons; he gives no indication that his choice was governed by any other consideration.
  • E.His experiment “succeeded” simply because one of the “remedies” contained vitamin C (the anti-scorbutic factor) whereas the other five did not.


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