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Which of the following pieces of information most effectively calls into question the validity of the conclusion?
  • A.The Zairean strain of the Ebola virus, known as Zaire ebolavirus, has a mortality rate of nearly 75%.
  • B.The village in which the outbreak of the unknown simian virus occurred is located in a country that has had several viral outbreaks in the last two decades.
  • C.Viruses that have very little time to incubate before destroying their hosts tend not to lead to widespread epidemics, because quarantines are put in place before the disease can spread.
  • D.The town in which the outbreak occurred had only fifty people, of whom twenty-four died.
  • E.Viruses tend to be most destructive in densely populated areas, oftentimes spreading amongst thousands of people before any quarantine can be put in place.


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