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Which of the following plans, if feasible, would allow the state to assist the food fishing industries along the Apache?
  • A.State workers will test the algae and underwater plants for mercury, removing those above a certain mercury threshold. These algae and plants are the principal food source of the food fish.
  • B.The state bank will start to buy up large amounts of gold, preferentially buying directly from the Green Hills mines.
  • C.Every six months, the state will send testers to twelve locations along the upper and lower Apache River, to test the mercury content in the water and in fish.
  • D.The state will mount a public awareness campaign, educating private citizen and restaurateurs about the dangers of high levels of mercury in food fish.
  • E.Immediately downstream from Green Hills, the state will install a sophisticated ionic filtration plant, which will substantially reduce the level of heavy metals (including mercury) in the water.


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