解析库 > 2023年05月GRE机经




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The passage suggests which of the following about the "economic and technological dimensions"?
  • A.They have been studied primarily in relation to hunter- gatherer groups that competed with each other for scarce resources.
  • B.They could serve as a more useful focus for researchers studying the predecessors of the Beothuk than for those studying the Dorset Paleo-Inuit people.
  • C.Those of the Dorset Paleo-Inuit people have been interpreted narrowly in a way that has led researchers to underestimate the severity of the environmental conditions faced by the group.
  • D.Their importance has been somewhat overlooked by researchers who wish to understand how hunter- gatherer groups utilize available resources.
  • E.Their centrality in the work of certain researchers has precluded adequate consideration of the impact of culture on hunter-gatherer groups' cuhcictence strategies.


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