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Which of the following, if true of the cave, most weakens the argument?
  • ASome of the plant species found in the earlier (lower) levels of habitation are not found at all in the later (upper) levels of habitation.
  • BThe remains of some plant species, such as squash and chili peppers, show changes from the middle to the later (upper) levels that indicate domestication.
  • CAt certain points during the period from 9,000 to 500 years ago, the cave was abandoned for a time and later reoccupied by people who were probably of a different culture than the earlier inhabitants.
  • DVirtually all the plant remains found at the earliest (lowest) levels of habitation are tough fibers that are relatively resistant to decomposition.
  • EThe total volume of food plant remains found in the earlier (lower) layers was greater than that found in the later (upper) layers.


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