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Which of the following statements, if true, most weakens Wiehle`s theory that complex behavior could evolve only once?
  • AHorses, introduced to the New World by the Spaniards, thrived under diverse climatic conditions.
  • BPlants of the Palmaceae family, descendants of a common ancestor, evolved unique seed forms even though the plants occupy similar habitats throughout the world.
  • CAll mammals are descended from a small, rodentlike animal whose physical characteristics in some form are found in all its descendants.
  • DPlants in the Cactaceae and Euphorbiaceae families, although they often look alike and have developed similar mechanisms to meet the rigors of the desert, evolved independently.
  • EThe Cuban anole, which was recently introduced in the Florida wilds, is quickly replacing the native Florida chameleon because the anole has no competitors.


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