解析库 > KMF-c




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It can be inferred from the passage that in species in which vigilant behavior is directed at predators, the tendency of the animals to be more vigilant in smaller groups than in larger ones would most likely be minimized if which of the following were true?
  • AThe vigilance of animals on the periphery of a group always exceeded that of animals located in its interior, even when predators were not in the area.
  • BThe risk of capture for individuals in a group was the same, whether they were located in the interior of the group or on its periphery.
  • CAnimals on the periphery of a group tended to be less capable of defending themselves from attack by predators than animals located in the interior of the group.
  • DAnimals on the periphery of a group tended to bear marks that were more distinctive to predators than animals located in the interior of the group.
  • EAnimals on the periphery of a group tended to have shorter life spans than animals located in the interior of the group.


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