
At first, a still-life painting can appear quite (i)_____, its focus on such everyday objects as flowers or fruits apparently uninspired. In the hands of (ii)_____painter, however, careful attention to slight shifts of color and texture can lead to a truly (iii)_____ and exemplary painting.
The leaders of Ukraine`s "Orange Revolution" were a study in contrasts. At the center of the political storm stood Viktor Yushchenko, his once-handsome face turned into a hideous, (i)_____mask by dioxin poisoning; but, at his side, no one could miss the (ii)_____Yulia Tymoshenko, soon to become the world`s only prime minister to adorn the covers of fashion magazines.
Although she was such a bad-mannered child that she was sent to a boarding school, as an adult she is the very model of _____.
Politicians sometimes appear to act in a manner that is almost _____; however, when all the information is released after the fact, it is apparent that they were acting according to a deliberate plan.
Forced to take an alternate road when a massive oil spill closed the highway, the two-hour detour made their already arduous trip even more _____.
Though many of her contemporaries found her odd, Ella Wilkins is now much admired for her _____spirit, especially her willingness to reject prevailing feminine roles and to travel to foreign lands alone.
Many fashions that were considered daring in their time have been so widely worn and imitated that the (i)_____style is no longer seen as (ii)_____.
Western culture has so influenced Middle Eastern music that even the latter`s roles of composer and performer, at one time inseparable, have now begun to _____.
Kazan was quickly (i)_____by many of his contemporaries for his transgression, who saw his testimony as treachery, an act of (ii)_____ which stained how they viewed him both as an artist and as a man. It was only by continually making films that he was able to (iii)_____ his perceived sins and achieve some measure of atonement.
Although tranquilizers usually have a _____effect, this is not always the case, especially when the abuse of these drugs results in a failure to induce the much-desired sleep.
As a rule, (i)_____interpretations of events are rejected by modern science in its attempts to find secular insights into the matrix of causes and effects in our modern world. Paradoxically, this fact does not (ii)_____the existence of individual scientists who possess views that may be (iii)_____with a belief in supernatural causes.
The Johnsons were not known for their (i)_____; at the very least, none of the family members was fearful of (ii)_____, of appearing or acting differently from other people.
Plato, an important philosopher, is primarily known because he wrote down Socrates`s _____ conversations. It is through Plato`s record of these dialogues that Socrates`s teachings have survived and continue to enlighten seekers of wisdom.
Even the colossal meal failed to _____her voracious appetite.
Slicks of oil on a rain-soaked street are _____ and beautiful, but the lovely rainbows they produce on the asphalt can seem rather ugly when one reflects upon the road hazards they create and the environmental damage they entail.
He had not always been so callous, but with time he became _____to the violence around him.
The (i)_____with which a statement is conveyed is frequently more important to the listener in determining the intended meaning than the actual words (ii)_____. For example, a compliment, when delivered sarcastically, will be perceived by the receiver as fairly insulting.
Though a film studio produces works that are (i)_____and artistic, its priorities often dictate that creativity be (ii)_____to a secondary position since the creative process can (iii)_____the organization and hierarchy necessary to running a large company.
Science and religion each have core tenets that are considered _____; however, because some scientific tenets are in conflict with some religious ones, these tenets cannot all be correct.
Although most medical, preventative ointments commonly in use would have (i)_____an infection, the particular one Helen applied to her sores actually, much to her dismay, (ii)_____her (iii)_____.


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