
At times (i) _____ , she could just as suddenly become (ii) _____ , a change in mood that was favorable yet so unpredictable as to be jarring.
(i) _____ centuries of would-be conquerors, the Aztec fortress of Chapultepec seemed (ii) _____ , until U.S. forces under General Winfield Scott were able to take the fortress with surprisingly little effort.
To the (i) _____ eye the jungle canopy can seem little more than a dense lattice work of branches and leaves. For the indigenous peoples of the Amazon, even a small area can serve as a veritable (ii) _____ of pharmaceutical cures. The field of ethnobotany, which relates both to the natural pharmacy offered up by the jungle and the peoples who serve as a store of such knowledge, has become increasingly popular in the last decades as many anthropologists, hoping to take advantage of this vast bounty, learn the language and customs of the tribes in order to (iii) _____ them thousands of years worth of knowledge.
That the comedian was so (i) _____ as to be unable to (ii) _____the effect she had on others was not lost on her audience, who quickly stood up to leave, hoping their action would at last (iii) _____.
What is currently (i) _____ civil engineers is not so much a predicted increase in annual precipitation as the likelihood that many storms will come in (ii) _____ , thereby making flooding in lower lying riparian regions (iii) _____ .
Long regarded as one of the most dangerous summits, Mt. Rainier presents numerous challenges- (i) _____ weather can form from seemingly innocuous clouds, making the slopes so (ii) _____ that even the most (iii) _____ hiker can be caught unawares.
Whether the network renews the latest pilot series _____ the critical assumption that the audience will not only empathize with a male protagonist very different from it, but will continue to do so once he begins to commit acts that are clearly reprehensible.
Based on a spate of hospitable planets--or Goldilocks planets, as scientists affectionately dub them--recently found orbiting the stars of three distinct solar systems, astronomers have been able to _____ the number of earth-like planets in the universe, a figure much higher than previously estimated.
The actor favored _____ roles in which he had to speak and emote little.
The grammar teacher _____ at the slightest fault, sometimes going so far as to berate students for forgetting to cross a `t`.
Now that even the most unenlightened citizen can create a popular news blog, we must be _____ when relying on news sources that do not fall under the rubric of traditional media.
Tossing about in a tempest, the fishing vessel sent a message that was so _____ as to be incomprehensible.
Paul spoke _____, and would stop and start frequently, at times uttering nothing more than a few unintelligible syllables.
Vast swathes of suburbia have turned into a _____: homeowners, unable to pay their mortgages, have simply left their domiciles, creating a veritable graveyard of empty houses.
At first inspired by anything but a practical solution to its pressing budget issues, the committee, after a series of blunders, finally opted for a more _____ approach.
Even in his advanced years, Winston Churchill maintained a _____ greater than that of someone half his age.
Spending five minutes in the sun will most likely have a(n) _____ effect on one's skin; spending fifteen minutes, on the other hand, can lead to burning and, over time, fine wrinkles.
Many professions have their respective _____, a unique vocabulary, which, to the uninitiated, can oftentimes seem downright inscrutable.
Long the bane of many a traveler, the anopheles mosquito may soon cease to be an intolerable nuisance – scientists are working to completely _____ the species, by preventing its eggs from ever hatching.
Many legends from jazz and rock music were _____ – indeed, many argue that the distinctive styles of Thelonious Monk and Jimmy Hendrix can be attributed to the fact that both were mostly self-taught.


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