
The recent spate of quality television dramas-while clearly indebted to the cinematic idiom of the 1970`s-represents a(n) _____ achievement: never before has any video medium been called on to sustain a narrative for 100 plus hours.
Despite being lionized for her uncanny ability to inhabit almost any role and, when necessary, inject it with genuine pathos, the actress, perhaps a bit too self-effacingly, chalked her success up to nothing more than a series of _____ occurrences.
While young elephants are typically given some _____ , mothers will often keep young calves in their line of vision to ensure that an adult elephant is always nearby.
Refusing to (i) [blank/ ] his vituperative words, the ambassador only further (ii) _____ members of the multinational committee.
Favoring quantity over substance, many amateur writers labor under the delusion that the more (i) _____ the sentence structure the more (ii) _____ the thought being conveyed.
In conservative scientific circles, embracing an unorthodox theory, especially one that is backed up by little empirical evidence, is tantamount to (i) _____ ; indeed, any scientist who does so may be (ii) _____ .
The public education sector typically sees an increase in enrollment during a recession, as parents are less likely to opt for costly private schools, a trend that sounds like a(n) (i) _____ for unemployed teachers. Yet what often happens during a recession is that those who are chronically unemployed (ii) _____ the education profession, thereby saturating the market with teachers and even leading longtime educators, particularly those not protected by unions, to lose their jobs.
No less incendiary amongst the populace than many other "hot button" issues of the day, "fracking"-or hydraulic fracturing of the earth`s surface to acquire gas, a practice that mostly takes place in remote parts of the country-has been (i) _____ the national dialogue come election time, perhaps because voters are typically (ii) _____ environmental problems that do not occur in their own backyards, so to speak.
Because reading on the Web entails quickly scanning and sorting through a deluge of information, many wonder if our level of engagement with the text has been (i) _____ or if the ability to read closely and carefully is one that can be (ii) _____ if we simply spend more time immersed in a book.
Because the defendant expressed very little (i) _____ for his heinous crime, the judge meted out a(n) (ii) _____ sentence.
The gossip columnist`s (i) _____ was (ii) _____ the number of her published columns – the more articles she wrote, the more untruths she spread.
Presidents who filled their cabinets with (i) _____ viewpoints tend to have a more storied legacy than those whose cabinets were made up of men with a more (ii) _____ outlook, men who dissented little with their respective presidents.
True, to the classically trained ear, Haydn`s early works can often seem (i) _____ , a mishmash of motifs from which anything fresh has been wrung dry by subsequent composers-to the ears of Haydn`s contemporaries, however, Haydn`s music was (ii) _____ .
Traditionally (i) _____ in their criticism of the hazards of nuclear power-which are undeniably pressing-many environmental groups failed to cite any viable energy alternatives; still, these very groups often (ii) _____ the success of "green technologies," innovations that, until very recently, were able to provide only a fraction of the power required to sustain a populace.
Mike Tyson, during his (i) _____ , was the most feared fighter in the world; his fall from eminence was as astonishing as it was (ii) _____ .
Just as consummate chess players must hold in their minds the positions of each piece on the board, and know too the ramifications of each move, so must skilled politicians have an awareness of the choices at their (i) _____ and the ability to anticipate the (ii) _____ of their actions.
As editors, each of the two writers served as a(n) (i) _____ the other`s rhetorical excesses, so that each submitted news articles free of unnecessary (ii) _____ .
Whereas for most of the West art is merely something to stand and gawk at, for the Navajo Indians art has a far more (i) _____ function; sand paintings are used to heal those who are sick--either in body or mind--and only these afflicted individuals are allowed to see the art: as soon as they recover the painting is (ii) _____ .
Had the committee any (i) _____ that it was being investigated for fraud, surely it would have been more (ii) _____ in trying to cloak any venality.
J. Robert Oppenheimer`s role in the Manhattan project as the architect of the atomic bomb left such a(n) (i) _____ on the public conscience that the remaining fifteen years Oppenheimer spent (ii) _____ nuclear weapons seem a mere historical footnote.


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