
Parson Weems, George Washington`s preeminent biographer during the president`s life, is responsible for spreading many of the _____ we today accept as the unvarnished truth.
Many claim that the 19th Century institution of snake`s oil-the peddling of items that seldom live up to their vaunted claims-is anything but moribund; one need only look so far as the Internet to see that the tradition is _____ .
The days of the consummate _____ are over: there are simply too many fields of knowledge for one person to master completely.
For the time being, at least, the director`s intent is _____ : he has remained reticent during interviews, and even viewers have had wildly divergent interpretations over the film.
Unlike the performances of her youth, in which she seamlessly inhabited a role, the performances of her later years were _____ as though she were calling out to audiences, "look how convincingly I can portray my character."
Whether the writer`s most recent work will _____ his status as a great novelist is debatable; that, with this work, he continues to create probing narratives that capture a country in the midst of turmoil is unassailable.
Without food and water, Mike continued back to camp in a _____ fashion, moving slowly and with great difficulty.
Rather than _____ the objectives of the recent reform, the government opted to forgo making any official announcement to the public.
The conception of time as parcelled out in _____ intervals did not begin with the advent of the clock; as such we must have a biological predisposition to not conceive of time as simply an amorphous succession of moments.
Modern psychoanalysis is _____ Freud, for while he bequeathed us an effective heuristic for understanding the human psyche, he is also guilty of perpetuating many untruths.
Jacques was a born _____ : he would often regale those around him with stories from his fascinating childhood.
A successful space shuttle launch is _____ such a great number of factors--any of which can sabotage a lift-off--that spectators should not chafe at the slightest sign of delay.
Max was so _____ that he never could be caught in an outright lie; his duplicity worked its seductive spell through a calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness.
Martha was _____ those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow.
The professor began to work _____ on various research projects-though never to the point that she failed to attend to her classes, since whether she received tenure was determined not only by published research but also, to some extent, by student recommendations.
A tantalizing paradox in the field of number theory-especially for the neophyte-is that even one with little training can pose a legitimate question that can _____ a seasoned expert.
Surely more _____ than his predecessor, Malcolm nonetheless should not be expected to display unbounded magnanimity, especially to those subordinates whose actions clearly run afoul of propriety.
Despite creating the impression that his replies are ungoverned by any forethought, the mayor-even in his most seemingly impassioned moments-is plainly _____ in his responses to the media.
While the dense brush can make for tough going, the state park features a wilderness that is virtually _____ ; some will gladly trade their comfort for a chance to behold fauna few others ever have.
Notwithstanding her tendency to _____ when journalists` questions blatantly pried into her personal life, the senator always spoke directly and candidly on issues relating to her public role.


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