
With university lecture halls rivaling small-concert venues in terms of the number of those in attendance, it _____ incoming freshmen--most long coddled in an intimate learning environment--to become adept at navigating the treacherous waters of anonymity.
That the web may seem some (i)_____ phenomenon, hardly rooted in the physical world, is a notion clearly (ii)_____ by the existence of "server farms," sprawling forests of metal that, figuratively speaking, provide the backbone of the Internet.
(i)_____ in the 1990s, Swing music has since (ii)_____ in popular venues, returning to its former state of middling popularity.
It is (i)_____ that the short story, regardless of its acclaim amongst certain members of the literati, has (ii)_____ amongst the public. All the more so, because the novel, in some ways an inherently more demanding form, continues to be popular amongst lay readers who apparently subscribe to the trite credo that bigger is better.
The number of speeding tickets one receives is by no means a reliable measure of (i)_____. Some (ii)_____ drivers, in fact, prove that in certain cases the inverse is true. That is those savvy enough to have availed themselves of the latest cellular phone applications receive up-to-the-minute information on the presence of highway patrolmen-greater excess speed, in these instances, simply implies a greater (iii)_____.
All too often scientists are quick to (i)_____ findings that ostensibly fail to mesh with their own research nonetheless, such a response is (ii)_____ compared to the (iii)_____, if not downright contemptuous, attitude they take towards a theory that questions the very foundation upon which their work rests.
Jansen`s writing strikes many as (i)_____ for one who is capable of enduing even the most recondite topics with a(n) (ii)_____?tone, his prose becomes (iii) _____in the informal correspondences he had with his contemporaries.
While society may regard science as some (i)_____ activity closed off to the (ii)_____ masses, the daily life of a scientist--driving to work each day, checking emails, meeting deadlines--can seem (iii)_____.
For an artist of such circumscribed talent, Mario was given (i)_____ attention, many connoisseurs (ii)_____ over works that warranted nothing more than a(n) (iii)_____ glance.
As spurious sightings of imaginary creatures that have captured the popular mind (i)_____, however (ii)_____ a story may be, once it has been circulated enough times, it will gather a patina of (iii) _____.
When researchers follow the scientific method, the absence of (i)_____ proof by no means suggests a theory lacks validity. Indeed, no theory is (ii)_____ : each can always be subject to further testing and scrutiny, and thus, by definition, remains (iii)_____.
She gave him a(n) (i)_____ look that was not so much (ii)_____ as it was (iii)_____.
That we may become flaccid after our rivals have been vanquished, and we are surrounded by those friendly to our interests, is in no way a(n) (i)_____ observation. Still, history is rife with examples where a sense of (ii)_____ pervades once a people has achieved victory. Yet, even were this insight more (iii)_____, few would take notice, as human nature is wont to ignore future threats in times of prosperity.
James Clerk Maxwell once remarked that the best scientists are, in a sense, the (i)_____ ones not hemmed in by the (ii)_____ of their respective fields, they are able to approach problems with a(n) (iii)_____ mind, so to speak.
According to Lackmuller`s latest screed, published under the title,?Why We Can`t Win at Their Game, special interest groups not nominally tied to ecological concerns have become so (i) _____ the process of environmental policymaking that those groups who actually aim to ensure that corporate profit does not trump environmental health have been effectively (ii) _____. Lackmuller`s contention, however, is (iii)_____ in that it fails to account for the signal achievements environmental groups have effected over the last 20 years-often to the chagrin of big business.
Heinrich Feyermahn, in insisting that Galileo did not fully uphold the tenets of scientific rationalism, does not (i)_____ the Italian astronomer, but rather the very edifice of Western thought. For if Galileo is the purported exemplar of rational thinking, and yet is (ii)_____, then the history of science cannot be understood as an endless succession of scientists carrying out their work free of all-too-human biases. Thus, Feyermahn admonishes, in faithfully chronicling the sweep of science in the last 300 years, historiographers would be (iii)_____ to not include the human foibles that were part of even the most ostensibly Apollonian endeavors. ?
Whether repression has come from the church or from a totalitarian state, science has always been an imperiled endeavor, but to claim that it will only flourish in times of libertarian rule is not a(n) (i)_____ conclusion. A(n) (ii)_____ government is not the same as one that actively takes an interest in funding science – and the latter may well be, in some respects, (iii)_____.
To view a film by Torneau is to enter the auteur`s mind. That his reality fails to correspond in salient ways to that of a "normal" person does not (i)_____ -even if Torneau is incapable of escaping his own head. To appreciate his work, the audience simply has to indulge the director his (ii)_____and leave at the theater door its own (iii)_____.
Amongst business school students exists a(n) (i)_____ that the more (ii) _____ the material, the less bearing it will have on their respective futures. This unspoken notion is by no means (iii)_____ by the finding that business leaders who read voraciously cite as their favorite works books that offer practical guidance on how to succeed.
Unlike her predecessor, Mayor Williams would not (i)_____ any impertinence from her subordinates. Even a (ii)_____ comment she tended to construe as one full of (iii)_____.


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