
A school of conservationist thought that continues to gain traction in academic circles contends that despite the most noble of intentions, the U.S. National Parks and Forests Services has, in allowing for the uncurbed growth of trees within parks, contributed to the (i)_____ forest fires. While it is true that park rangers can respond to fires quickly, often such fires are far fiercer than in areas not so (ii)_____ trees and underbrush. That is not to say that all fires are deleterious: indeed forest fires play an appreciable role in the functioning of the ecosystem; they (iii)_____ the growth of trees so that any given area is less likely to become densely wooded.
The biographer who provides a (i)_____ of detail, even when those details are accurate, (ii)_____ of distorting reality; the greater the number of facts that have to be fashioned into a (iii)_____ narrative, the greater the chance that the narrative, regardless of how consistent, will in any number of ways fail to accord with what really happened.
That we can, from a piece of art, (i)_____ the unconscious urges of the artist-urges that remain hidden even from the artist himself-will remain a(n) (ii)_____ issue, as it is one (iii)_____ empirical analysis: we can never definitively know what is submerged deep inside the artist`s psyche, let alone reconcile any such revelations with the artist`s work.
While caffeine is well-known as a stimulant, few are aware that an excess of caffeine can actually have a _____ effect.
The citizens` movement had, to no avail, _____ the government to concede to its demands – eventually their earnest entreaties became nothing more than a silent protest.
Inspiration rarely leads to great writing unless coupled with a(n) _____ regimen, one which affords writers ample opportunities to experience a flash of insight.
If good taste has _____ the vampire genre tired and trite, the entertainment industry surely is not listening: for every bloodsucker baring fangs there is a hack baring some script.
The plucky election campaign has managed to _____ support from the most unlikely corners--even typically derelict voters are eyeing the voting booth with more than indifference.
During interrogation, the suspect affected a frightened persona, hoping that such a display of cravenness would deflect the authorities` suspicion, as they were looking for someone who had pulled off several very _____ crimes.
Imperilled by excessive logging activity, the Canadian snow goose is unusually sensitive to any encroachments into its territory, displaying a(n) _____ rare amongst waterfowl.
To the _____, the music of Bach, at once intensely personal because of the simplicity of its melodies and inaccessible because of contrapuntal complexity, can seem the product of two distinct composers.
With an emphasis placed on calculus and the algebra necessary to understand it, the modern high school mathematics curriculum has forced traditional courses such as spherical geometry to _____ ?ground to those subjects that underpin a conceptual understanding of calculus.
The exuberance of Karevolotski`s narrator breaks the mold in Russian literature, which heretofore has featured a(n) _____ protagonist, who, grumbling about myriad perceived injustices, braces himself against an oppressive world.
Movie marketing works in a highly predictable, and obnoxious, fashion: the more we are assaulted with images of intergalactic battles, or a pouty heroine hoping to regain her lost love, the greater likelihood that the movie is one best _____.
To most, the word `architecture` connotes a grandeur typically associated with the Old World--flying buttresses, Doric columns, baroque flourishes, byzantine arabesques--and thus many of the more _____ structures, especially those not obviously inspired by neoclassicalism, are often thought to be cobbled together haphazardly instead of following some prescribed architectural idiom.
Once _____ across the Western plains, the buffalo has seriously diminished in number.
Edgar Allen Poe biographers tend to fall into two camps: those who try to rescue the man himself from a macabre world in which fate had decreed nothing less than a(n) (i)_____ outcome, and those who (ii)_____ that very myth, treating the subject as one for whom a life of tragedy was (iii) _____ .
When constantly (i)_____, apocryphal quotations can make the truth seem (ii)_____. For instance, people often spout the phrase "Play it again, Sam," (iii)_____ quoting Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. When they watch the movie, they assume that the actor has botched his lines during the scene in which he says, "Play it, Sam."
Carefully couching his words in the most diplomatic language possible, so even those (i)_____ to his cause could hardly construe his words as a (ii)_____ , the city councilman offered an ultimatum to the (iii) _____ group of protesters camped outside the City Hall.
Perhaps then the greatest failing of this deluge of positive psychology books is not that they (i) _____ the complexity typical of psychology in general-and in this case replace it with a breezy glibness-but that they dispense advice that is so (ii) _____ and littered with platitudes as to be bereft of the very succor the public requires during our (iii)_____ times.


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