
The flood of innovation that has engendered many of last decade`s technological breakthroughs has also claimed some victims in its wake: companies once at the (i)_____ of such innovation have now become (ii)_____.
Amongst Irish-American playwrights of the early 20th Century, her work stood out as a(n) (i)_____, not so much because of its striking originality but because other contemporaneous works tended to be (ii)_____ on most social issues. Her plays, by contrast, allowed the audience to come to its own conclusions, a technique that foreshadowed much of 20th century theatre.
Ironically, for someone whose novels were populated with characters typically marked by a(n) (i)_____, the author himself made tabloid news with exploits that suggested not even a (ii)_____.
The popularization of science by writers with a knack for making the abstruse (i)_____ is not an exclusively modern calling. Indeed the origins of this specific craft harken back to Voltaire, who, in his?Elements of the Philosophy of Newton, made the (ii)_____ writing of the revered British physicist digestible to a lay audience.
Many imagine philosophy apparelled in a toga walking about the Greek agora, (i)_____ questions of great import; yet philosophy (ii)_____ today, only we have traded the agora for the Internet: many online venues exist in which the intellectually curious discuss the very same questions that once reverberated through the open air of Athens` marketplaces.
Unlike the trend in modern art to (i)_____ reality, the trend in photography has yet to fall prey to such an impulse; photographs that lack (ii)_____ are often seen as nothing more than oddities.
Cheswick`s motives are forever (i)_____ by a guardedness so thoroughgoing as to make any attempt to dissect his actions (ii)_____.
In his critique of the student`s (i)_____ essay, the writing instructor mostly focused on (ii)_____ details, leading many in the class to believe he was either oblivious to the subtleties of the piece or simply envious of the student.
Cave paintings recently found hundreds of feet below the surface in southern France suggest that prehistoric man viewed animals as central to both his rituals and existence. Whether this focus results from the idolization or subjugation remains (i)_____ - for every painting of a beast riddled with spears, there exists another in which man is depicted in a far more (ii)_____ role, arms outspread as though in obeisance.
Though the recent row between the much loved prime minister and the ambassador from the erstwhile colonial power will, in all likelihood, not foment outright protests--the way an incursion by this same foreign power into the country`s airspace did--surely such discord will only serve to further _____ ?a people long since wary of foreign influence.
The computer modeling of weather has, since its inception, been fraught with difficulties, yet the fact that it has only had to improve on what, to some, amounts to nothing more than voodoo science made its _____ all but assured.
Yet another creation in line with the _____ melodramas the director is so well known for, the latest effort is likely to have a similar effect: a tiny subset of the population will extol the deliberate pacing, while the majority will dismiss the film as soporific drivel.
The movie is comprised of several vignettes, each presenting a character along with his or her foil: a staid accountant shares an apartment with a (i)_____ musician; a tight-lipped divorcee on a cross-country roadtrip picks up a (ii)_____ hitchhiker; and finally, and perhaps most unconvincingly, an introverted mathematician falls in love with a (iii)_____ arriviste.
Keane argues that the political conditions during the early years of the United States were, if anything, (i)_____ to the formation of a nation united by one document: the Constitution. Rather, had it not been for a few men-Keane invokes the triumvirate of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Madison-to (ii)_____ the Constitution, despite the seemingly implacable opposition of anti-Federalists, the central government would have had to (iii)_____ matters of rule to the individual states.
Special effects in movies are (i)_____, in that unlike the story, whose permutations seem to have long ago been (ii)_____, they continue to evolve: if we were magically beamed years into the future (of course that story has been told numerous times before), the special effects would (iii)_____; the story would be awfully familiar.
There is nothing more (i)_____ for first time writers to see that their cherished ideas are actually far less (ii)_____ than they had imagined. Often a publisher, or even a friend, will point out that another writer already captured the same plot twist, or created an almost identical fictional world. This feeling stings even greater when the publication of the neophyte writer`s work (iii)_____ that of the more popular author; apparently the public often erroneously believes that the lesser known writer`s work is derivative.
The contention that Hopkin`s extensive anthropological fieldwork led to a unified theory is (i)_____ – close scrutiny reveals a (ii)_____ of observations that, at times, even prove (iii)_____ one another.
Many philosophers are known for a single utterance, an (i)_____ saying that long outlives them. There is often (ii)_____ in this phenomenon. While most undergraduate philosophy students can quote the 18th Century philosopher David Hume as saying "Reason is the slave of the passions," David Hume himself actually consigned this?apothegm?to themarginalia?of his text. In all likelihood, he had (iii)_____ he had ever written any such thing.
While some maintain that the recent proliferation of uncredited web sources will have a(n) (i)_____ effect on scholarship, others argue that the effects will be far more (ii)_____, claiming that academics are sensible enough not to (iii)_____ unattributed sources.
Recent meteorological conditions in areas of the northeastern part of the country have been so (i)_____as to leave scientists (ii)_____. Even those models scientists developed to (iii)_____ these extreme outliers have been found wanting.


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