
While the aviators had hoped for no (i)_____ meteorological events, the weather became increasingly (ii)_____ , with wind tossing their plane as they crossed the Pacific.
In claiming that there are overarching commonalities among every culture, Jungenfreud perhaps (i)_____ his case: while there are most likely universal belief systems and recurrent myths spanning both time and civilizations, depending on the level of (ii)_____ of a scholar`s criteria, surely not all societies display the exact same characteristics--it is one thing to say that every people has an elaborate view of the afterlife (as Jungenfreud does); it is another to show uncanny parallels between the particulars of this afterlife (as Jungenfreud fails to do).
Unless the current practice of deforestation is (i)_____ by no less than a global committee, the world`s biodiversity will continue to (ii)_____, robbing posterity of potential pharmacological breakthroughs.
Hemingway`s imagination was nowhere near as (i)_____ as that of James Joyce – yet the latter published (ii)_____ works.
For someone so unjustifiably (i)_____ ?success, the recently installed CEO perhaps surprised very few when his series of impractical business solutions did not ?(ii)_____ the floundering firm.
By the beginning of the 20th Century, piano pedagogy had advanced fingering technique to such a degree that even students with a (i)_____ were able, with targeted practice, to execute thorny passages, while exuding the (ii)_____ of a polished salon pianist.
What is the greatest novel of all-time? Many top-100 lists have been proffered, purporting to resolve this very issue. Yet the (i)_____ those compiling these rankings suggests that any definitive list is not (ii)_____.
In Speak, Memory, Vladimir Nabokov`s autobiography, the author seems as (i)_____ an ornate prose style as with communicating, often in excruciating detail, the (ii)_____ of a singular life, describing his family`s fall from aristocracy following the Bolshevik Revolution.
Far less (i)_____ than her predecessor, the new superintendent remained (ii)_____, even on issues in which some form of compromise was expected.
There is a rising consensus amongst immunologists that the observed rise in allergies in the general population can be attributed to (i)_____ exposure to everyday germs. Known as the hygiene hypothesis, this counterintuitive idea could have far reaching implications-for one, we may now have to be more (ii)_____ those paternal prescriptions to scrub our children`s hands at every opportunity.
The public only had so much patience with Newman: his (i)_____ the government`s supposed ineptitude had become so frequent that even his most (ii)_____ supporters soon began to shift the dial on their radios.
Despite protestations to the contrary, Peyermessen had clearly (i)_____ complete sections of text from works that, while (ii)_____, were not unknown to specialists in the field, who accused him of plagiarism.
With numerous exciting public works projects in the offing, residents are understandably (i)_____ ; yet because such prodigious undertakings are inevitably plagued with numerous setbacks, much of the fervor is likely to be (ii)_____ a heavy dose of reality.
Lacking the (i)_____ of Martha Argerich, Mitsuko Uchida, in her piano recitals, is (ii)_____, looking up calmly to the heavens as her fingers glide across the keys.
The (i)_____ common in the earlier days of the regime gave way to a (ii)_____ time, during which few recalled the former pandemonium with anything more than a hint of nostalgia.
The latest biography on J. R. Oppenheimer, in attempting to dispel the pervasive notion that he was a(n) ?(i)_____, only (ii)_____ such a view: seemingly every one of Oppenheimer`s quirks is related with gleeful fondness.
Because even his (i)_____ would be loath to consider his novels ?(ii)_____, either the reviewer of his latest work has been ethically compromised, or the author has actually plotted what can, in all positive senses of the word, be described as a thriller.
No less (i)_____ than his predecessor, the new prime minister already faced opposition from those who charged that he refused to (ii)_____ even on trifling issues.
The critics were so (i)_____ in their (ii)_____ that Scheinhauer, a librettist known to become squeamish after a light smattering of applause, retreated from public view.
(i)_____, she suddenly became (ii)_____ , even conspiratorial, as the detectives, who had been stymied and had all but given up on extracting an iota of evidence from her, took sedulous notes.


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