
The choreographer was mainly concerned with _____ details, as the period production required the leads to don a number of different outfits.
The effects of radiation are _____: only after many years, once a chronic disease surfaces, do people realize they had, at some point in their lives, been exposed.
Because the corporation has suffered consecutive quarter losses, at times arbitrarily terminating jobs, employees fondly recall the _____ days.
In August 27th, 1883, the Indonesian island of Krakatoa, home to a highly volatile volcano, disappeared overnight in a display of stunning geological prowess that continued _____ even after the island had vanished, as a series of massive seismic shocks created a tsunami with waves of 150-feet high that traveled nearly a thousand miles.
That, though no fault of his own, George Cuvier, the father of extinction theory, has mostly slipped into obscurity, his name typically surfacing only in paleontology journals, is an outcome that-given his field and his claim that his work would endure-smacks of _____.
For all her brilliance, Ada was undone by a(n) _____ that led her to disparage those who took any speculation too seriously, averring that the philosophical mind worked best when it did not attach itself too strongly to any one line of thought.
With the critics waiting in the flanks, their pens flourished like rapiers, Henderson _____ what would inevitably be a media circus regarding the release of yet another of his popular--though always pilloried in the press--series of books featuring a dashing heroine capable of unlimited physical prowess and endless derring-do.
Rubens, for all his high-flown rhetoric, churns out book reviews that have come to seem _____: from decades of critiquing other`s prose, he now relies on a familiar and tired formula.
Meticulous to a fault, Sarah is often considered _____; unless, of course, her consummate eye for detail works in one`s favor.
With all the trappings of a "successful" novelist, Farminghouse perhaps will most likely experience a(n) _____ fame: posterity rarely looks kindly on those writers who bedazzle the hoi polloi.
Fenton`s motives were clearly (i)_____ , yet Fenton tried, in the most ingratiating way, to (ii)_____ his innocence.
Mulcahy, in averring that most literary criticism has become so filled with abstruse jargon as to be practically indecipherable to anyone save its practitioners, is himself (i)_____: his main point will be discernible only to the very community he seeks to (ii)_____.
Whereas the incumbent`s opponents feverishly worked around the clock, digging up seemingly irrelevant information only to contort a(n) (i)_____ incident so that it appeared unequivocally damning, the incumbent himself resorted to no such (ii)_____ and preferred instead to calumniate his opponents during highly publicized debates.
Giacomo`s concerti, much like the composer himself, were a (i)_____ affair. Fits of passion would, without warning, give way to sudden idylls, as though the composer had been trying to (ii)_____ his inner conflicts. Only in his later works, which are far more abstract, does he eschew trying to capture his inner states.
For an obscure poet to have penned such a refined, poignant sonnet is not at all (i)_____. The sonnet, after all, has been a favored form for hundreds of years amongst the amateur and lionized alike. I would be (ii)_____, on the other hand, had not one, out of the sheer number produced during this time, surpassed Shakespeare on a bad day.
For all his (i)_____, Honore de Balzac?betrayed?a remarkable (ii)_____ to the plight of 19th century women, populating his novels with characters sympathetic to women`s rights.
Claire`s moods shifted drastically and unexpectedly – one moment she was (i)_____, chatting lively, the next she was (ii)_____, looking forlornly out of the window.
The term "robber barons", which refers to those powerful business moguls at the turn of the 19th Century, is hardly a(n) (i)_____, ?despite some of these robber barons outward gestures of philanthropy. Infamous for their insatiable (ii)_____, the robber barons were finally held in check by the ascendancy of a more powerful centralized government.
To critics the author`s latest work was (i)_____ ; with so few people purchasing the book, this reception proved to be (ii)_____.
Some minor governmental bungling in the environmental sector can (i)_____ what many watchdog organizations are declaiming as gross negligence: indeed entire swathes of once fertile land now gone barren (ii)_____ flaws in state policy.


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