
It was not out of mere _____ that Mozart, by then well established, sought out a young Beethoven-in the latter`s early work Mozart divined a genius that he hoped to, in some way, cultivate.
Gearing up for the 2008 Olympics, the city of Beijing worked with impressive _____: the National Stadium, colloquially referred to as the Bird`s Nest, a work of such grandiosity that most municipalities would have labored five years to complete, was finished in less than half that time.
Thumbing his nose with equal derision at Mozart as he did at Monet, Thomas was an avowed _____, treating all arts with contempt.
Critics who charged that the technology start-up had blatantly appropriated the laptop design of the leading manufacturer failed to take into account a recent report citing that the start-up had been anything but _____, as not only was it the first to market, but pictures of its original design had initially surfaced publicly.
The author`s name in shining lights-on the book jacket, that is-_____ the collective nature of the enterprise: before hundreds of seasoned eyes even pore over a final copy, the author has had many expert readers help fashion the novel from its very inception.
The attempted _____ offered little in the way of a resolution; indeed the fate of many characters was left unanswered.
Many high-tech CEOs, perceived as having absolute power over their respective domains, are accorded the same awe and esteem once reserved for _____ .
Despite the formality of the occasion, he danced with _____, flailing his arms in the air uninhibitedly.
There are few _____ thrills to be gleaned from Kafka`s writing, for his characters, which typically embody ideas, are not fleshed out enough for the reader to become fully immersed in their plights.
The Olympic Cycling Team took their _____ at the base of the mountain, hoping that the extra calories would sustain them during the tortuous ascent.
The incumbent was so roundly trounced in the latest polls that any notion he had at winning the election was illusory, nothing more than a(n) _____.
That the psychopharmacological journal had already published the findings of the clinician`s experiment rendered _____ any prior misgivings she had regarding the validity of her control group.
Revolutions do little to cure a nation`s _____ – the very agitation that allowed for a change in previous rule often precludes the formation of a viable government.
The politician spoke in a tedious, pompous manner, _____ the entire duration of his speech.
It behoves the president elect to forth will _____ the policies that kept his predecessor in good standing on both sides of the political divide.
While she was unfailingly _____ to her superiors, such slavish obedience and unquestioning sycophancy never helped her ascend beyond the role of a lackey.
Though the accounting firm was exonerated of any corporate malfeasance, the perception that it is not completely _____ has persisted.
In censuring the academic committee for apparently being _____ in appointing a chancellor, the university president mistook deliberation for procrastination--the committee had been guilty of nothing more than a scrupulous vetting of all candidates.
History has recast the 15th century Florentine monk Girolamo Savonarola as a rabble-rousing zealot lording over the "bonfire of the vanities"; yet this so-called _____ --mainly because he directed his censure at the church--was a crusader for austerity and thus a check on a papacy that had run a course of profligacy.
For Nancy, teatime was no mere _____: she was so persnickety that each step of the process-heating, steeping, and stirring-was executed with the solemnity and exactitude of a surgeon.


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