
For some, creative expression is an organized development, building steadily towards a goal, but creativity also comes to other people more _____, and they may face long periods without creation interspersed with unexpected bursts of inspiration and progress.
Although he insisted upon his own fallibility, the wise man attracted a cult-like following, with his admirers treating his words as absolute and unquestionably _____.
Many conditions that affect the liver are signaled by _____ skin, the sickly yellowing caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Although visiting her bereaved friend each evening was an exhausting endeavor, she was happy to provide _____ in her friend's time of need.
Many of the most recognizable _____ in Western theater may be found in Shakespeare's works, including Juliet's "Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Macbeth's "Tomorrow and tomorrow," and other notable speeches by characters directly and privately to the audience.
Pier Gerlofs Donia was a Frisian nobleman whose part in the (i) _____ against the dominant Vetkoper party and its Hapsburg allies elevated him to a folk hero known as Grutte Pier, a heroic rebel on a(n) (ii) _____ his family's murderers.
It is important to nurture a child's imagination, no matter how (i)_____; these same wild fantasies, while seemingly fanciful or even (ii)_____, can help to develop the child's creativity and reasoning abilities.
In (i)_____ of his (ii)_____ personality, we knew we could trust him -- deceit was simply not a part of his character.
The (i)_____ design of the palace is remarkable for its exceptional (ii)_____, although some critique the interior as (iii)_____, filled with excessively vivid and contrasting colors and patterns.
It is important not to be swayed over by _____ speech, but to carefully scrutinize its content.
The _____ of Helen of Troy has become immortalized in many works beyond the Epic Cycle of Ancient Greek literature, including Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, in which the title character describes her exceptional beauty as "the face that launch'd a thousand ships."
The Synoptic (taken from the Greek syn-, "together," and -optic "seeing") Gospels derive their categorical name from the _____ of similarities in content and composition.
The Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom distinguished itself in its defense of Britain against the Luftwaffe, earning a reputation for bravery and _____ in the face of overwhelming odds.
Art restoration is a controversial field; while its efforts to (i)_____ the inevitable damage done by time to famous works are considered (ii)_____, some people question the field's use of invasive techniques on some of history's greatest masterpieces.
The philosophical work was both extensive and complex, so the class required the professor's _____ to understand the author's ideas.
Owing to his distinctive (i)_____ on the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock's name has become a (ii)_____ for one's signature.
After they were _____ decades earlier, the derelict houses slowly transitioned from an eyesore on the landscape into a cultural landmark.
The order was best known for its (i)_____ living, (ii)_____ all physical indulgences as (iii)_____ from its search for understanding.
The (i)_____ genius of the late Glenn Gould is (ii)_____ in his imaginative (iii)_____for piano of Wagner`s Siegfried Idyll, which the composer originally scored for full orchestra and presented to his wife Cosima on her birthday.
Critics felt that the candidate was far too _____; he did not easily concede a point, and relished the chance to be drawn into confrontation.


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