
Though the style of the two tennis players could not have been more dissimilar-she employed finesse where he used brute strength, she played an intellectual game where he ran on raw emotion, her motions had an element of drama where he was _____-they both were champions.
The performers walking the tightrope high above the ground were, unlike most people, well-accustomed to the _____ balancing act necessitated by their job.
Well-accustomed to the _____ countenance of their superior, the garrulous employees made no effort to engage her in conversation.
Katie was known for her lively behavior and excitable moods, but the illness left her bed-ridden for months; when she at last began to convalesce, it was of great relief to see her _____ spirit return.
(i)_____ it has fallen from popularity, legends of the kingdom of the priest-king Prester John stirred the imagination of Europe for the second half of the Middle Ages (and beyond), when countless explorers and cartographers traveled to the East, hoping to (ii)_____ the true kingdom's location and learn more about its leader.
Despite the fact that the racehorse's performance in recent competitions had been _____, Jeremy was convinced that the oddsmakers' _____ a disappointment at the Kentucky Derby were _____.
The increasing acceptance of the notion that the news media is not a _______________ commentator on events, but rather a mouthpiece for the vested interests of its powerful owners, demonstrates the public's growing _______________ large corporations.
The family abjured store-bought cards, deeming the cloying quips to be too _____ to express proper sentiment in a tasteful manner.
From a young age, Saul Kripke proved himself to be one of the most remarkable (i)_____ of our age; through independent study, he had already (ii)_____ studies of language, literature, and advanced mathematics before the age of ten.
In his life he was a man of few words, but the twisting and complex writings in his diaries revealed a _____ mind.
Because of the dry and torrid heat, the backpackers soon found themselves with barely enough water to _____ their thirst.
Even the wisest of leaders will come to need counsel, so it is important to ensure that one is surrounded by honest and candid advisers, rather than by mere _____ seeking to please and flatter for their own advancement.
Although well-received, the poet's first pieces were noted for their tendency towards awkward language and overly-florid descriptions, signaling the _____ writer's efforts to imitate more established and accomplished poets.
The prisoners were treated harshly, confined to small spaces and fed poorly so that, by the time of their release, their muscles had _____ to the point where some were too weak to support their own weight.
Having hired a new master chef, the patisserie was soon highly praised for its extraordinary _____.
The Wankel rotary engine was an engineering marvel that (i)_____ automobile exhaust emissions, but because it was less fuel efficient than the standard piston-cylinder engine, it was (ii)_____ in the early 1970s when (iii)_____ pollution gave way to panic over fuel shortages.
The modern detective novel (i)_____ Gothic fiction when nineteenth-century authors began to propose (ii)_____ rather than supernatural explanations for seemingly (iii)_____ occurrences.
(i)_____ the (ii)_____ of their overseer, the employees eagerly anticipate possessing greater control over their work hours.
When many of her peers were quick to point out a rather (i)_____ error in her calculations, she retreated into the solitude of the lab to (ii)_____ on how to amend her theory.
In an effort to simultaneously pander to opposing demographics, the politician's speeches became _____, rambling without point or originality.


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