
The message the author conveys is that the bluefin tuna fishery worldwide is being mismanaged and that despite a few_____________signs, such as the partial recovery of stocks in some areas, the immediate future looks bleak.
Those who knew the senator well were convinced that in spite of his (i)_____________ in larger political matters,there was no(ii)_____________in his expressions of feeling for his constituents.
Until recentily superhero comics were seen as irredeemably(i)_____________; they were widely disparaged for being so(ii)_____________in conception and execution, and anyone who was a fan was given plenty of reasons to be (iii)_____________.
Organic farming is often thought of as being (i)_____________by its opposition to conventional industrialized agriculture. In truth, however, it is (ii)_____________a unifying rationale for organic agriculture, and many contemporary understandings of organic agriculture are not even (iii)_____________
The chairman, while saying he will seek to forge a consensus out of a variety of proposals acknowledged that it might not be easy to reconcile the push for a radical overhaul with the stance of those who want_____________change.
Scientists are a generally _____________lot, but few can match in the depths of her perverse and unmerited obscurity the twentieth*century mathematical genius Amalie Noether.
Since methane doesn' t last long in the atmosphere, its detection on Mars would indicate_____________source-perhaps a living organism, or an active geological process-and shed valuabie light on whether the planet is habitable.
The administration has been ruthless in its efforts to foist its policies on the legislature,_____________lawmakers who raise legitimate concerns about those policies.
Prior to the advent of the scientific method, many were skeptical of experimentation as a means for seeking knowledge. it was widely thought that (i)_____________ could only produce (ii)_____________findings.
Schmidt' s widely praised book Lives ofthe Poets (1998) was a 900-page meditation on English poetry in which his forceful, witty, sometimes partisan sketches revealed a mind deeply in love with literature. in his recent The First Poets, however, Schmidt seems less (i)_____________his opinions. He is excessively(ii)______________authorities, even when gently rejecting their views, Whenever he is front and center, Schmidt himself is (iii)_____________guide, but this book is clogged with too many pedestrian quotations from academics past and present.
Despite the_____________behaviors they can exhibit, invertebrates are sometimes regarded by humans as a mindless and unfeeling band of alien critters.
Trilobites, with their famously distinctive lobed body plans and curious appurtenances, are _____________fossils, the perfect symbols of an archaic world.
Most travel narratives are, at however unacknowledged a level, about seeking some destination or searching for the meaning of life; they betray a sense of (i)_____________even when affecting to(ii)_____________it. Prokosch, however, seems more than happy to take every moment just as it is; a striking feature of his narrator's travels is that for all the near-constant danger and closeness to incarceration, there is never a very great sense of (iii)_____________
When philosophers like Plato, Hume, and Schopenhauer write with clarity about problems of the utmost difficulty, such_____________ does not make the problems appear simple or easy to solve: on the contrary, difficulty is exposed as essential to the understanding.
While most Centaurs (minor planets) are thought to be_____________, astronomers have observed patterns of brightening from the Centaur Chiron, as well as activity similar to that of a streaking comet.
The author engages the subject firom diverse perspectives, supports his argument well with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very_____________subject.
In general, the more that Victorian society felt it had lost contact with the rural, the more the rural became an object of _____________ for metropolitan commentators, who represented it as a moral antidote to urban life.
The author's deseription of the _____________contamination of ocean water with plastic materials -and the resulting threat to marine life-constitutes a valuable lesson in the urgency of managing trash more responsibly than we currently do.
The great jazz trumpeter John Birks Gillespie, who was saddled with the nickname "Dizzy" because of his onstage_____________, was always considered a comparatively stable and reliable individual despite the nickname.
Hotels in major urban markets seem to offer the biggest potential_____________seasoned investors looking to make an investment in the lodging sector, those hotels took the hardest hit during the recession, and analysts expect them to bounce back just as steeply.


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