
The medical professor`s thesis-hardly new, but rarely _____ by a faculty member of his distinction-is that patients are more than the sum of their symptoms and systems.
Even if he wants to serve again-and given his obvious love for the job, the assumption among insiders is that he is more likely to stay than go-there is at least _____ his serving another term.
Memory-prompt technology such as online birthday reminders does more than enhance our recall abilities; it induces us to (i)_____ ever more behaviors to automated processes. Witness the (ii)_____ a program that allows us to create computer greeting cards for the entire year in one sitting.
While people complain about their hectic lives and demanding schedules, one might be justified in suspecting that they are being somewhat (i)_____: compulsive busyness seems to be, for many, a source of (ii)_____.
Scientific papers often (i)_____ what actually happened in the course of the investigations they describe. Misunderstandings , blind alleys, and mistakes of various sorts will fail to appear in the final written accounts because (ii)_____ is a desirable attribute when transmitting results in a scientific report and would be poorly served by (iii)_____.
In a number of instances, investors hoping to tap into the region`s meteoric growth have instead faced problems ranging from unpredictable management practices to outright ______________.
To call Kermode the finest English critic of his generation would be a _____ compliment, since not many of its population are professionally engaged in literary criticism.
Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto _____ party is ready to bargain.
Consolidating a memory is not instantaneous or even _____: every memory must be encoded and moved from short-term to long-term storage, and some of these memories are, for whatever reason, more vividly imprinted than others.
The museum`s compelling new architectural exhibition looks at eleven projects around the world that have had major (i)_____ impacts despite modest budgets. It is part of (ii)_____ in the museum`s architecture and design department, which in the past has championed architecture`s artistic value over its real-world consequences.
The notion of film producers as the ogres of the movie business has proved an (i)_____ one, but according to The Producers by Tim Adler, it is not always grounded in reality. Attacking what he calls the "auteur myth"-the idea of the director as the single purveyor of art in an industry otherwise peopled with (ii)_____-he places at the heart of his book an image of the producer, not the director, as the primary (iii)_____ force in the development and production of a movie.
The physics graveyard is strewn with the skeletons of failed theories, unexplained effects, and anomalous particles that briefly _____ the research spotlight, then rapidly fade from view.
The media have constantly disparaged the governor's competence and have found a public only too eager to applaud their _____.
Science is arguably a very high-minded pursuit, but that is not to say that all of its practitioners are _____, as numerous articles alleging overly generous pharmaceutical industry payments to medical researchers have tried to show.
Some ethicists worry that a deeper understanding of the brain may be tantamount to _____; if we discover that free will is an illusion of neural circuitry, how will we hold people responsible for their actions?
Instead of demonstrating the _____ of archaeological applications of electronic remote sensing, the pioneering study became, to some skeptics, an illustration of the imprudence of interpreting sites based on virtual archaeology.
Recent scholarship has questioned the (i)_____ of tropical forests around the world. Archaeologists have shown, for example, that the largest contiguous tract of what was thought to be virgin rain forest in the southern Amazon had been transformed into a cultural parkland before European contact, and many of the forest islands in West Africa's savanna forest transition zone are (ii)_____ as well.
Fifty pages of footnotes, some of them presenting quite lengthy bibliographies, suggest that very few pertinent sources on the Black Arts movement in literature have (i)_____ Thompson`s search; (ii)_____, the text makes it clear that the author`s examination of these sources has been similarly (iii)_____.
The town`s air was consistently _____________: depending on the breeze, one might be greeted with the sour effluvia of twenty breweries, choking fumes from the coal factory, or brackish smells from the nearby river.
One of the vocalists who auditioned for a leading part in the local production of Sweeney Todd seemed to prefer _____ to any attempt at producing a melody; a more unpleasant voice was hard to imagine.


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