
The initial, widely shared pessimism turned out to be _____, because it ignored the many things that could be done with resources left behind.
Despite a tendency to be overtly _____, her poetry does not consist solely of pious sentiments: it often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment.
Although in his new book he tends to repeat himself like a _____ uncle, McHughen makes a persuasive case for the safety of tinkering with genes to create new foods.
Contrary to those who fear the impact of invasive species on native plants, the biologists contend that the threat posed to biodiversity by nonnative species is often (i)_____. For instance, a study of garlic mustard, a nonnative plant now thriving in Minnesota`s oak forests, found that garlic mustard abundance in forest plots was not (ii)_____ the number of other plant species there.
The (i)_____ nature of the candidate`s comments is calculated. As a long-standing target of critics who regard him as radical, he understands that he needs to be as (ii)_____ as possible if he is to overcome those critiques and appear as a (iii)_____ leader.
Joshua Gisemba Bagaka found that the pedagogical results of group projects and other engaged learning activities in Kenyan mathematics classroom were _____; such activities, then, may not be the best way of improving mathematics education.
Apparent flaws in the sculptor`s work have not _____ its respectful reception by most modern critics.
The governor might conceivably find a genuine resolution to the budgetary dilemma, but she may be tempted to engage in a deception: a _____ exercise in fiscal prudence.
Convinced of the gravity of her poetry, Voigt must have found the reviews of her most recent collection (i)_____ reading: one amused reviewer thought that it was unrecognizable as poetry but decidedly (ii)_____.
The author`s best-selling book on Virginia Woolf is not (i)_____ treatment of her subject; on the contrary, it presents (ii)_____ portrait of the novelist, faults and all.
The new art museum`s (i)_____ building augurs well for that ambitious institution because it speaks of (ii)_____ contemporary architecture on the part of the board of directors that may (iii)_____ equal astuteness about contemporary art.
The modern iron suspension bridge dates from the early nineteenth century, but it did not have (i)_____ debut; many early suspension bridges were damaged, if not outright destroyed, by the wind. There were few (ii)_____, however, so the form (iii)_____.
Even if the story now seems a surprisingly innocuous overture to the author`s later, more fully developed narrations, it _____ some of the key traits of those bleaker tales.
While recognizing that recent reports of cyber warfare, phone-hacking scandals, and identity thefts have tended to accent the destructive connotation of the word, Sue Halpern maintains that "hacking" is such _____ term that its meaning nearly always derives from its context.
The idea of a "language instinct" may seem _____ to those who think of language as the zenith of the human intellect and of instincts as brute impulses.
The artist is known for making photographs that deal with politically charged subject matter, yet because her art is so evocative and open-ended, it would be wrong to characterize it as _____.
Nordhaus predicts that in the future we will increasingly be (i)_____ ecological problems like global warming rather than (ii)_____ them. We may, for example, make some headway in limiting emissions that contribute to warming, but much of our work will be in adapting to ecological problems and alleviating their effects.
A certain amount of theoretical frenzy about comics today is (i)_____. After all, similar frenzies have been in other art forms in periods of their rapid development, for instance, the debates about painting that roiled Renaissance Italy. But such intellectual (ii)_____ rarely precedes creative glory. On the contrary, it commonly indicates that an artistic (iii)_____, having been made and recognized, is over, and that a process of increasing strained emulation and diminishing returns has set in.
Although Wynne claims to recognize that _____ evidence is available to make definitive statement, she offers them nonetheless, arriving at some sweeping generalizations.
Although many skeptics of the scientific theory _____ critiques that have long since been disproved, some of the doubters arguably bring up valid points.


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