
Pioneering medical research scientists' (i)_____ claims regarding the (ii)_____ new researches make the public wonder their own doctors are not dispensing miracles. There are forces, both external and internal, on scientists that most require them to (iii)_____. Without money, there is no science. Researchers must constantly convince administrators who control tax dollars, investors, and individual donors that the work they are doing will make a difference.
Despite the occasional (i)_____ of their venues, the culture of corporate conferences is a deeply (ii)_____ conference, each day consisted of nearly nine hours of continuous lectures and panels enlivened by pleasantries or anything that could be construed as a joke. The only (iii)_____ sensory deprivation of the sessions came from the handsome color slides favored by the corporate presenters.
Historically, the depletion of soil's nitrogen has been one of the most _____ problems faced by farmers: an essential nutrient, nitrogen is quickly leached from soil, and farmers have struggled to find ways to replenish it.
Scientists should hope the faults in their theories will be _____ their peers since the refutation of one hypothesis can free its originator to develop a better one.
Although men still dominate the ranks of full professors in the field of astronomy, the increasing numbers of younger women in the field could _____ a change in its gender mix.
An apparent paradox led the scientists to pursue their present line of research. They were struck by the fact that a single mathematics formula can be used to describe physical phenomena that appear to be so _____.
Medieval cathedrals still stand as marvels of architecture, but as far as modern science is concerned, medieval physics and chemistry are simply irrelevant, at best a dead end, at worst the very _____ of what science is supposed to be.
For the urban researcher, the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative _____ of most present-day cities.
Britain`s deteriorating economy after 1945 was (i)_____ by politicians who favored the manufacturing sector over the service sector: rather than attempting to (ii)_____ the decline of manufacturing, they should have promoted service industries.
Anna Gavalda's fiction is appealing largely because of her writing styles, which is certainly (i)_____. It is heavy on dialogue (and light on embellishment) features very short sections (of often only a few sentence) in rapid succession, and in general favors an unadorned directness. Not surprisingly, this style works better in short-story form than in novels, and the story collection I Wish someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere (ii)_____ her attempt to (iii)_____ it in novel, as in, for example, Someone I loved.
For Plato the art of music was so (i)_____ moral and political reality that any alteration to music system would necessarily require a corresponding political shift. But two and a half millennia later, when classical music is generally seem merely as a lifestyle accessory, Plato`s conception seems (ii)_____. To be sure, there are still people who consider classical music to be of (iii)_____ cultural importance, but few of them are able to articulate this convincingly.
In the northeastern United States, beaver populations had been critically reduced or even _____ in large areas at the end of nineteenth century; as a result, several states instituted prohibitions on beaver trapping.
The preliminary analysis being on the whole, reassuring its confirmation would _____ concerns about the dangers of project.
Some kinds of deadly bacteria, including those that cause tetanus, tuberculosis, and botulism, remain _____ until something triggers their insidious activity.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, looks surprisingly _____, even though it is a cold, dimly lit world made from unknown materials.
Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been _____.
The politician`s record while in office, though (i)_____, hardly accounts for her high standard three decades later-a standing all the more (ii)_____ because of continuing assaults on her reputation during those years.
Although it is not uncommon for journalists to portray political inexperience on the part of public officials as an (i)_____, it was nevertheless surprising when members of the press treated the new senator`s obvious (ii)_____ as an extraordinary virtue.
When a new scientific model emerges, research studies (i)__________ that paradigm tend to dominate in the scientific literature: the process of selecting articles for publication is tilted towards positive results. But once the paradigm (ii)__________, the academic incentives shift in the opposite direction: research results are more considered worthy publication when they (iii)____________ what has become the established view.
The historian of ancient science Otto Neugebauer concluded that Babylonian astronomical texts are (i)_____ because everything has been eliminated from the astronomy except observations and the mathematical consequences of an initial hypothesis about the fundamental character of the astronomical movements. This judgment cohered with the high level of mathematical theory, which (ii)_____ mathematical computation together with empirical observations as (iii)_____ of science and denied any role to speculative hypotheses of a strongly theoretical nature.


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