
One sometimes hears that Marco Polo introduced pasta to the Western world, having encountered it in China. This durable myth, which (i)_____ that nothing should have been known of pasta in Italy until 1295, when Marco Polo returned from the Far East, can easily be (ii)_____ by pointing out that there are Italian references to pasta that (iii)_____.
For almost two centuries, the German island of Sylt has offered various therapies for every conceivable (i)_____ from broken bones to liver complaints. The local mud, saltwater, thermal pools, and spas have been deemed (ii)_____ by the German medical system, which (iii)_____ some of these treatments. Consequently, the treatments are widely used.
His premiership, seemingly cast-iron year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of _____ from rebels within his own party.
Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories _____: she didn't understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.
The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives, supports his arguments with many examples, and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very _____ subject.
Space is often referred to as the final frontier, as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding, yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is _____.
The stories in Yiyun Li`s recent collection are distinctive particularly for the strong contrast between their emotional intensity and their consistently _____ tone.
The paleontologist examined the problem afresh, believing that the accepted classification _____ the essential continuity of the specimens by making specious distinctions among them.
It would be naive to treat remarks made in diaries or personal letters as giving especially candid access to historical truth or even as being expressions of the writer`s true state of mind, since the (i)_____ for exaggeration and deception in those forms is virtually nonexistent. Diaries and letters are rarely sites for (ii)_____.
Making loans and fighting poverty are normally two of the least glamorous pursuits around, but remarkably enough put the two together, and you have an economic innovation that has become not just (i)_____ but downright (ii)_____.
Biologists have little (i)_____ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human (ii)_____. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.
Culture, like speech, is primarily a human faculty, although both functions may exist in a more _____ form in lesser primates.
Tompkinson`s prior donations to the university, while very generous, failed to _____________ the magnitude of her latest gift.
The first images of Jupiter's moon Callisto show bright regions of material, as if older and darker ice had slid downhill and exposed the _____ ice underneath.
Mortoris is dour and __________, seemingly incapable of smiling, let alone laughing.
The era`s examples of _____ that are cited by the author can be balanced in part by certain examples of dissent during the same period.
The meandering journey across the soundscape of the Internet can be (i)_____. Listening to music in this medium often generates anxiety fulfillment: no sooner has one experience begun than the thought of what else is out there intrudes. Putting an old-fashioned disk and letting it play to the end restores a measure of (ii)_____.
Circulatory systems on organisms originated in widely separated epochs, according to the fossil record, and under a broad range of circumstances, the myriad forms they take attest to that ______ of origin.
Compared to their predecessors, who were more nationalist than feminist in political orientation, Roman women activists of the younger generation are more inclined to _____ women's rights, often creating organizations focused primarily on women's issues.
With the numerous opponents of the controversial new taxation measure in such a fury, anyone who publicly advocated the measure did not fail to meet with _____ usage.


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