
Because the book is largely concerned with an examination of various (i)_____ often encountered in contemporary thinking, such as an exaggerated appreciation for meaningless coincidence and a credulous accept of pseudoscience, much of the writing has a (ii)_____ quality to it. Nevertheless, it avoids the overly earned scolding tone common to many such endeavors.
The building affairs minister rightly recognizes that the current planning system—under which the government controls every aspect of construction—creates disastrous developments, but she is wrong to propose the opposite: the wholesale (i)_____ of the building market. Such a complete (ii)_____ of responsibility on the part of the state can hardly be in the public's interest.
After rising continuously over the summer, commodity prices fell, leaving analyst wondering whether the downward trend is a turning point or merely a _____ before demand picks up in the winter months.
Doris Kearns Goodwin's elegant, incisive study of Lincoln _____ those whose knowledge of Lincoln is an amalgam of high school history and popular mythology as well as those who are experts.
Well organized and researched and including all significant discoveries and medical scientists, this history of Western medicine has justly been called ______________.
Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly _____ group of thinkers.
Apparently, advanced tortoises evolved multiple times: the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved _____ on each continent.
Scholarly works on detective stories often begin with (i)_____, suggesting that there is something vaguely wrong with adults who spend their time reading such fiction and certainly something (ii)_____ those who devote energy to its analysis.
Due to the extraordinary circumstances, British business owners found themselves in a (i)_____ position during the Second World War, forced to accept regular interference from government and to acquiesce to (ii)_____ role for labor unions in negotiating the terms and conditions of employment.
As Ellen Donkin explains, in eighteenth-century England, writing plays (i)_____ women. Even when the (ii)_____ meant that playwriting did not bring personal fame, the work nevertheless enabled them to present their own views to the public and offered the possibility of acquiring capital.
In a field of egotists, Bloomfield is _____, often praising her competitors and punctuating her correspondence with self-deprecating remarks.
Because its previously _____ beliefs had become core tenets of mainstream politics, the activist group disbanded; with no more skeptics to persuade, its purpose had evaporated.
Although scientific progress leads to constant revision of ideas, one observation that has remained _____ over the years is that there are a lot of insects in the world: some 950,000 species have been identified.
What once seemed a quixotic vision—the “Subway to the Sea,” connecting Union Station in downtown Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica—no longer seems quite so _____.
There is _____ in the director`s most recent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in its script safely at bay.
Computers have become adept in rarefied domains once thought to be uniquely human. However, they simultaneously have (i)_____ certain tasks basic to the human experience, including spatial orientation and object recognition, and in so doing, have shown us how (ii)_____ such fundamental skills truly are.
Until the advent of film, commercial entertainment in England occurred only where concentrated urban populations provided audiences large enough to make it remunerative: theaters and music halls were (i)_____ in rural villages. But village cinemas quickly become (ii)_____, even though they were ramshackle affairs in comparison to the urban picture palaces.
Among wide-ranging animal species, populations at the edge of the species` range are frequently exposed to less (i)_____ and more variable conditions than those in other parts on the range. As a result, the animal`s abundance is often (ii)_____.
Common sense tells me some people are more (i)_____ than others. The claim that these differences are (ii)_____, or that deep down, everybody acts only to further their own interests, (iii)_____ our everyday observations and deep-seated human practices of moral evaluation.
Anne Carson`s book Nox is, very deliberately, _____ literary object—the opposite of an e-reader, which is designed to vanish in your palm as you read on a train.


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