
The great (i)_____ of most books that examine the American presidency is their ideological bias, but for most part, this volume on the presidency maintains an impressive degree of (ii)_____.
Many of the towns that have voted to keep incinerators in the county's solid waste plan have done so not because they necessarily (i)_____ incinerators, but because they are (ii)_____ to narrow their waste-disposal options.
In mathematics, judgments about the validity of proofs are mediated by peer-reviewed journals; to ensure _____, reviewers are carefully chosen by journal editors, and the identity of scholars whose papers are under consideration are kept secret.
Since some contemporary Western dieticians believe that the only function of food is to provide nourishment, these dieticians view an emphasis on the aesthetic dimension of the culinary arts as _____.
In the last two hundreds years, the practice of archaeology has changed greatly, from digging up ancient artifacts for use by wealthy individuals as art objects to analyzing the detritus of everyday life in the laboratory, and thus from _____ to data collection.
History teaches us that science is not _____ enterprise; indeed, it is quite the opposite, a motley assortment of tools designed to safeguard researchers against their own biases.
What they see in Tanaka is the one candidate capable of (i)_____ leadership, in direct contrast to Williamson , whose term in office has been marred by (ii)_____.
Readers may initially be irked by the book's apparent (i)_____ but, once immersed in the author's prose, they may come to regard the work's (ii)_____ as an asset.
Unambiguous texts can allow their readers to (i)_____ them quickly, but ambiguous texts can have the attractive (ii)_____ of multiple possible interpretations, all of which can be considered equally (iii)_____, and none of which is the single true meaning.
Harper Lee's narration in To Kill a Mockingbird is _____, mixing an adult's and a child's perspective according to no logic other than the immediate exigencies of the plot.
The Labrador duck is one of the most _____ extinct birds: although there are a fair number of specimens, few have yielded reliable data and little is known about the species` breeding patterns.
The research found that in assessing others, many people hold an unconscious view that competence and warmth are (i)_____: when they perceive a person to be highly capable, they infer that he or she must have a tendency to be (ii)_____.
Mr. Stevens found that home schooling, far from representing (i)_____ philosophy, (ii)_____ some of the most widely accepted education ideas: that children should be treated as individuals, taught in small numbers, and given a measure of discretion over their own learning.
He was never (i)_____; he was nothing if not (ii)_____, so he forbore for the present to declare his passion.
Computers make it spectacularly easy to search for particular pieces of information in downloaded texts. And doing research in this strategic, targeted manner can feel (i)_____. Instead of (ii)_____ the organizing logic of the book you are reading, you can approach the book with your own questions and (iii)_____. You, not the author, are the master.
Given our species` increasing numbers and appetites-which are reflected in and compounded by global climate change-even (i)_____ species are likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. If we are to avoid a calamitous loss of biodiversity, according to Golbe, we cannot simply let nature take its course. Ongoing conservation management is (ii)_____, as we have, in a sense, become nature, and the responsibilities that come with the role cannot be (iii)_____.
Miller reminded his clients that labor relationship are inherently _____; the interests of business owners are diametrically opposed to those of employees.
Progressive and reactionary populist movements are not necessarily _____; each may, and usually does, possess features of the other.
Although one can adduce myriad of examples of ecosystem disruption by nonindigenous species, nevertheless most introduced species that survive in fact appear to have quite _____ effects on the ecosystem they have invaded.
Although field studies have linked inbreeding to declines among song sparrow populations, some researchers argue that, in nature, inbreeding proves _____ as a factor when compared with crushing blows from weather changes.


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