
Truly understanding literary theory requires a greater academic investment than simply memorizing descriptions of aestheticism, deconstructionism, and post-modernism; one must also be willing to study philosophy, history, and society to develop an interdisciplinary _____ of how humans build meaning.
Many animals such as the poison dart frog, the tiger moth, and the black widow spider give predators advanced warning of their unpalatability or danger through aposematic warning signs, while other animals such as the harmless scarlet kingsnake simply mimic the bright colors of the _____ species to keep predators away.
While some mummies, those of Egyptian pharaohs for example, were intentionally preserved with substances such as natron to dry out the bodies and prevent decomposition, others, such as the Tarim mummies found in present-day Xinjiang, China, were _____ naturally by the searing desert conditions.
As the valedictorian of his graduating class, Thomas was tasked with delivering a(n) _____ speech, dutifully rehearsing in front of both his mirror and the cat.
Worried that he had lost the support of his party, the Prime Minister forcefully _____ his controversial statement that healthcare would not be a priority.
With recent advances in technology allowing for convenient online access to reading material, many forecasters expect to see hardcover book sales _____.
Pulled over for speeding and nervous about receiving an unpleasant lecture, Natalie`s fears were easily relieved by the _____ policeman.
Even among statisticians, who fully understand that true randomness includes repetition, there is often a misguided attempt to _____ one`s chances of winning the lottery by declining to select numbers that have recently appeared on winning tickets.
"Out of sight, out of mind" is a useful _____ for those who cannot develop a logical argument to defense their failure to be concerned about poverty in foreign nations.
Although it initially seemed that the ideological gap between them was insurmountable-he believed in _____ while she believed in accumulating wealth, he in sensitivity towards others while she in self-interest-the marriage ultimately lasted 52 years until his death.
Those who criticized Coco Chanel`s later clothing designs misjudged as _____ the style that generations of women to come would regard as the epitome of high fashion.
Since receiving a promotion to departmental chair, Brookstone has been even more prone to _____ against the university`s administration, and consequently has lost several professional allies.
Sergei`s belief in astrology, a pseudoscience whose practitioners provide results than can never be conclusively proven or falsified, left him vulnerable to _____.
The _____ international aid agencies have toward selecting a fresh cause to champion approximately every five years is indicative of their desire to avoid apathy due to overexposure and, instead, continue to stimulate donor interest.
Discussions about the use of high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener lead to _____ among nutritionists, and the use of aspartame, which is also common, is just as controversial.
Further recognition of the destructive effects of targeting fast food advertising at young children may lead to more efforts to _____ such tactics: there is already clear evidence that the necessary prohibitive regulations have widespread support.
Even though the judge personally found the law _____, his moral objection did not provide a legal basis on which to rule the law unconstitutional.
Completely impenetrable to the layperson, the ancient text was _____ even to experts in the field.
The feudalism practiced by Carolingian rulers was still in its _____ stage; only later did features such as subinfeudation and the consequent necessity of designating a liege lord lead to the fully-developed system familiar to students of the High Middle Ages.
A key element of The Smiths` recognizable sound came from the tension between Morrissey`s _____ lyrics and the cheerful, almost bouncy music composed by Johnny Marr.


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