
The good news is that even though the new program sounds quite (i)____________, it is not technologically (ii)____________. The transformation will take decades, even generations, to complete, but industrial experts affirms that it is achievable. Starting promptly on this historic commitment will (iii)____________, or at least mitigate, the larger catastrophes ahead.
One explanation for the (i)____________ science in late antiquity has to do with the (ii)____________ of science and technology: given the prevailing belief that natural knowledge should not be applied to practical ends, the incentive for scientists to search for practical applications of abstract theories of nature was (iii)____________.
Despite growing evidence of a positive association between consumption of whole grains and long-term health, a research gap exists between observational studies and the elucidation of the mechanism involved, mechanisms that in some cases are still quite____________.
Year after year, officials offer apparently ____________ promises, so as to muster public support for ambitious engineering projects, but reality arrives years later in the form of outlandish expenditures and systems that fail to perform as promised.
Experiments with animal behavior have sometimes been handicapped by scientists' ____________ approach: the animals are tested in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species.
Modern monetary systems are built on nothing more than governments' support of and people's faith in them; money is, in other words, a complete ____________.
Many of the major developments in fundamental physics of the past century arose from (i)____________ existing ideas. For example, the (ii)____________ Maxwell's equations and Galilean invariance led Einstein to propose the special theory of relativity. Similarly, the failure to reconcile special relativity with Newtonian gravity led him to develop the general theory of relativity.
The (i)____________ of Polish immigration to Brazil are easy to (ii)____________, since at the time of the first Polish arrivals, in the nineteenth century, Poland was partitioned, which resulted in many ethnic Poles carrying German, Russian, or Prussian passports.
The author argued that a relentless focus on political scandal was making it hard for even the least ____________ politicians to maintain their faith in the nobility of public service.
In her new book, Alexander relates some amazing biological facts about the elephant-an elephant's heart can weigh 28.5 pounds, for example - but what really makes these behemoths remarkable is their continued survival despite more than a century of human ____________.
The fact that no single Cantonese dictionary is seen as ____________ is one of the main reasons why most Hong Kong authors do not depend on formal reference tools when writing in Cantonese.
Conifer charcoal found at the Neal Garrison archaeological site may include wood from several different species, such as spruce and pine; however, (i) ____________ of the charcoal (ii) ____________ the precise determination of its origins.
The Prime Minister's reasonable intention is that the government should (i)____________ those powers that it is not (ii)____________ to exercise directly but that it should use effectively those powers it does retain.
In polls, women are more likely than men to express (i)____________ environmental issues, but greater concern doesn't necessarily entail greater (ii)____________: in one survey, men and women were equally (iii)____________ about the amount of energy various activities use.
We tend to think of plants as _____________, yet in a sense, some move with spectacular speed as they propel their reproductive particles-seeds and spores, pollen and sperm as far as they can.
Given the wild and fantastical nature of the witness's story, it is not surprising that many believe it to be ____________.
If dark energy is an energy field, it would not be ____________: it might once have been stronger or weaker than it is now and could have affected the universe differently at different times.
Many parents who attended the school board meeting ____________ the fact that emerging social problems in some way affected nearly every pupil at the school; nonetheless, these parents often acted with a view to helping only their own children.
When discussing the United States Army's 1876 campaign against the Sioux, Powers is occasionally ____________ context: he describes General Crook's march to the Battle of the Rosebud but neglects to mention how it fit into the army's overall strategy.
Song, speech, and music are typically one in the blues: the instrument complements the voice, and though they may play instrumental solos, the most ____________ blues artists sing through both voice and instrument.


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