
The bride was mortified to learn that her dress-which had appeared delicate, even _____, in the artificial light of the boutique-was nearly transparent in the bright sunlight of her outdoor wedding.
The public`s fascination with celebrities coupled with the innovations of the electronic age may inspire a new cadre of amateur "paparazzi": there are certainly indications that such a trend is _____.
The doctor`s real mistake, from the perspective of his _____ professional friends who quickly jilted him, was not that his choice of treatment was inappropriate, but rather that it was viscerally objectionable to the medical establishment.
By reordering the sentences in the problem and adding distracting figures, the professor successfully _____ a previously easy exam question and made it almost impossible to solve.
Because she always had the correct answers to life`s difficult dilemmas, my grandmother was sought after for her _____ by family members and neighbors.
The _____ road, made what seemed like a short trip on a map much longer in reality; it twisted its way through mountains to get from one valley to another.
Classmates who had pre-judged Lucy as unaware were surprised when she made the _____ observation that their professor`s missing coffee mug indicated that he had left for the day.
Madeline`s guests all agreed that had it not been for the terrible weather, her wedding day, complete with white dress and three-tiered cake, would have been _____.
The Shakespeare scholar argued that in all of the playwright`s 37 works, he had never written the part of a _____ character, only relying on vibrant and colorful individuals to propel his stories forward.
The intricate, complex photographic process of the daguerreotype contributed to the rapid development of numerous related processes, a _____ that included tintypes and calotypes.
The athlete, once well respected for his work with the anti-drug programs, was scorned for his _____ nature when medical tests proved he`d been using steroids for years.
The protestors acknowledged the leader`s appeal to _____ violence, and walked quietly in the funeral processions instead of throwing rocks at police officers.
Diecast truck manufacturers release limited edition models and others with obscure commercial advertising in order to _____ their trucks and ensure that certain items become dedicated collectibles instead of toys.
The phacellophora camtschatica, which can grow up to two feet in diameter, is more commonly referred to as the Fried Egg jellyfish because of its white bell and cloudy yellow organs, which give its tentacles a _____, semi-transparent look.
Before the Clone Wars, the Jedi were a powerful peace-keeping force in the galaxy, but they were unable to avoid _____ after Palpatine called out Order 66, which reprogrammed every clone trooper to immediately assassinate his Jedi masters.
Hollywood studios, usually guided by their penchant for hiring A-list movie stars, are rethinking their strategies in an economy more suited to hiring _____ actors who command far less per picture than their celebrity counterparts, who can cost studios upwards of 15 or 20 million dollars for one movie.
Joseph was never outwardly perturbed by bad news, and was known as the _____ of composure.
The President could not tolerate dissent from his views, and so he only appointed people to his cabinet who were more _____ than advisors.
The young poet feared that her career may have prematurely reached its _____ after reading the encomium with which her first publication was met.
The philosopher`s arguments were so _____ that it was nearly impossible to follow the logic from his premises to his conclusion.


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