
$$a$$ and $$b$$ are negative, and $$a^{2}-b^{2} \lt 0$$.

Quantity A


Quantity B


In a triangle ABC, the length of line segment AC is 2 and the length of line segment BC is 1.

Quantity A

The length of line segment AB

Quantity B


Square S is inscribed in circle C and circle R is inscribed in square S. What is the ratio of the area of the circular region C to the area of the circular region R?
Pat has five matched pairs of socks and no two of the pairs are the same color. If Pat selects two socks simultaneously and at random, what is the probability that the two socks selected will be a matched pair?
A box contains 100 purple balls, 100 red balls, and 100 white balls. What is the minimum number of balls that must be chosen to ensure that at least 4 of the balls chosen have the same color?

The table shows values of the function $$f$$ for selected values of $$x$$. The graph of $$y=f(x)$$ is a line in the $$xy$$-plane. What is the value of $$f(1)$$?

Give your answer as a fraction.
In 1990 in neighborhood V, $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of the foreign-born population whose region of origin was Asia came from China. Approximately what fraction of the entire foreign-born population in neighborhood V came from China?
A list of the names of the people of the entire 1990 foreign-born population in neighborhood V was generated, with each person's name appearing once.The names of 2 different people will be randomly selected from the list. Which of the following is closest to the probability that both names selected will be names of people whose region of origin was "Other"?
In 1990 approximately what percent of the total population of neighborhood V was foreign-born with Europe as region of origin?
List S: 1, 2, 3, k, 2k

If k < 2, which of the following numbers could be the median of the five numbers in list S?

Indicate all such numbers.

△ABC is an isosceles triangle, BA=BC, DE is parallel to AC. If the perimeter of both triangle BDE and quadrilateral ADEC equals to 18 (the length of all the sides are integers), then what is the length of DE?

Quantity A

The digit in the tenths place of x

Quantity B

The digit in the tenths place of 5x

a > b > 0

r > s > 0

In the xy-plane, line l crosses the y-axis at (0, a) and crosses the x-axis at (r, 0), while line m crosses the y-axis at (0, b) and crosses the x-axis at (s, 0).

Quantity A

The slope of line l

Quantity B

The slope of line m

The figure represents a flat circular garden with a diameter of 6 feet. A circular border around the garden is 1 foot wide and is represented by the shaded region.

Quantity A

The area of the circular border around the garden

Quantity B

20 square feet

(x-5)($$\frac{2}{x}$$ - 3)=0


Quantity A


Quantity B


n is a positive integer.

$$x_{1}, x_{2},...x_{n}$$ are n numbers.

c is a number.

Quantity A

The standard deviation of the n numbers $$x_{1}, x_{2},...x_{n}$$

Quantity B

The standard deviation of the n numbers $$x_{1}+c, x_{2}+c,...x_{n}+c$$

There are between 90 and 110 students in a certain gym class. When the students are divided into either 3, 5, or 7 teams with each team having an equal number of students, there are two students not placed on any team. Which of the following is the total number of students in the gym class?
Banks S and T pay simple annual interest at the rates of 4 percent and 8 percent, respectively, on a one-year certificate of deposit. What is the amount of an investment in a one-year certificate of deposit at Bank T that erans the same amount of interests as an investment of $7,000 in a one-year certificate of deposit at Bank S?


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