
How many positive integers less than 20 are the product of two different prime integers?
What is the greatest prime factor of 510?
Quantity A: The number of the prime factors of 27

Quantity B: The number of the prime factors of 12
For all integers $$x$$ greater than 1, the function $$p(x)$$ is defined as the number of different prime factors of $$x$$. What is the value of $$\frac{p(12)}{p(9)}$$?
The number of attendees at a certain convention is less than 1,000 and is divisible by 50.

Which of the following statement individually provide(s) sufficient additional information to determine the number of attendees at the convention?

Indicate all such statement.
Jim exercises every third day. For example, if he exercises on a Monday, the next day he will exercise is the following Thursday. If Jim exercised last Monday, how many weeks from last Monday will be the next Monday that he exercises?
Both train A and train B provide 24-hour service throughout the day. Train A passes by a certain station every 12 minutes, while Train B passes by the same station every 20 minutes. For how many times can these two trains pass by the station at the same time from 06:00AM to 10:30AM in the same day?

Indicate all such values.

What is the value of x+y?

Quantity A

The average of all the interior angles inside a quadrilateral

Quantity B

The average of all the interior angles inside a pentagon

As$$\frac{5}{3} \times \frac{6}{4} \times \frac{7}{5} \times ... \times \frac{x}{y}$$ =20, the numerator of the latter fraction is 1 more than the numerator of the former fraction, and the denominator of the latter fraction is 1 more than the denominator of the former fraction, what is the value of x+y?
x,y and z are three integers between -10 and 10,inclusive. What is the least possible value of $$\frac{x-y}{z}$$?
xy≠0,x > y

Quantity A:1/x

Quantity B:1/y
100 < a < b < 1000

Quantity A

$$\frac{1}{a} - \frac{1}{b} $$

Quantity B

$$\frac{1}{100} - \frac{1}{1000} $$

a,b and c are integers more than -10 and less than 10,what might be the least possible value of $$\frac{a-b}{c}$$?
If 0 < x ≤ 1, which of the following must be true?
If $$\frac{p}{t}$$ =8,and $$\frac{t}{8}=\frac{r}{2}$$,then what is the value of p/r?

Quantity A


Quantity B


$$\frac{a}{c}$$=0.0075 and $$\frac{b}{c}$$=0.09,where a,b and c are positive integers. What is the least possible value of c?

Quantity A:$$\frac{y}{k}$$

Quantity B:$$\frac{25}{16}$$
If bottle A is filled with water, and then pour $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of the water into bottle B which was empty before. And then pour 1/4 of the water in bottle B into bottle A. At last, what fraction of bottle A is water?

Give your answer as a fraction.


25000 +道题目

