

Quantity A

The units digit of $$4^{125}$$

Quantity B


What`s the units digit of the difference between $$27^{13}$$ and 27?
n is a positive integer, x is the units digit of $$7^{n}$$, y is the units digit of $$3^{n}$$

Quantity A


Quantity B


Quantity A: The units digit of $$888^{888}$$

Quantity B: The units digit of $$555^{555}$$
X equals to a positive integer to the power of four.

Which of the following could be the units digit of X?

Indicate all such values.
What is the remainder when $$8^{43}$$ is divided by 7?
What is the remainder when $$7^{38}$$ is divided by 9?
What is the remainder when $$3^{64}$$ is divided by 8?
m is a positive integer

Quantity A

The remainder when the sum of $$1999^{m}$$ and $$2001^{m}$$ divided by 7

Quantity B


n is a positive integer

Quantity A

The remainder when 4*$$10^{n}$$+47 divided by3

Quantity B


n is a positive integer

Quantity A: The remainder when 5*$$10^{n}$$+1 is divided by 3

Quantity B: 1

Quantity A

The remainder when $$n$$ is divided by 3

Quantity B


In how many different ways can we use 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, to form a 4-digit number which must be a multiple of 3 (None of the five numbers can be used more than once)?
What is the remainder when $$3^{35}$$ is divided by 5?
What is the remainder when $$3^{283}$$ is divided by 5?

Quantity A

The remainder when $$7^{13}$$ is divided by 10

Quantity B


The remainder is 4 when positive integer n is divided by 5, and remainder is 5 when n is divided by 6. What is the remainder when n is divided by 15?
Positive integer n is between 44 and 53, inclusive. The remainder is 2 when n is divided by 3,and the remainder is 1 when n is divided by 4. What is the value of n?
p=$$n^{2}$$+1 where p is a prime number and n is an integer.

Quantity A: p

Quantity B: 17
How many primes can be formed when someone selects two different numbers from 2,3,4,5 as the tens digit and units digit, respectively?


25000 +道题目

