

If k and n are each positive integers between 12 and 30, then $$\frac{5+k}{7+n}$$will be equal to $$\frac{5}{7}$$for how many pairs of (k, n)?
2 < |x-8| < |x-9|

Quantity A


Quantity B


One thousand people vote for candidate X and Y. If X got 9% more of total votes than Y, then how many votes did Y get?
Two water faucets are used to fill a certain tank. Running individually at their respective constant rates, these faucets fill the empty tank in 12 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively. If no water leaves the tank, how many minutes will it take for both faucets running simultaneously at their respective rates to fill the empty tank?

Give your answer as a decimal.

Quantity A


Quantity B


x ≠ 0


Quantity A


Quantity B


Which of the following is equal to $$\frac{1}{\frac{\sqrt{2}+1}{\sqrt{2}-1}}$$?

Quantity A


Quantity B


If x is an integer, then what is the least possible value of $$3^{x}$$ + $$3^{-x}$$ ?
x is a positive integer.

g > 0

Quantity A


Quantity B


The function f is defined by f(x) = 2x – 1 for all numbers x. If the function g is given by g(x) = 3 * f(2x - 1) + 2 for all numbers x, what is the value of g(2)?


AB=AC=AD,∠BAD=60°. What is the angle of ∠BCD?

In the sequence $$a_1$$, $$a_2$$, $$a_3$$,......., the $$n^{th}$$ term an is the distance in the xy-plane between (0, 1) and (n, 0) for each positive integer n. The figure shows the first four terms of the sequence.

Quantity A


Quantity B


The area of the shaded semicircular region is 64π.

Quantity A

The length of radius OR

Quantity B


Approximately what percent of the families in the sample own more than 3 motor vehicles?
How many of the families own exactly 2 motor vehicles?
If a family were selected at random from the survey sample, what is the probability that the family would own more than 2 motor vehicles?

For the frequency distribution of the variable x shown in the table above, what is the median value of x?
For which of the age-groups is the ratio of the number of full professors to the number of associate professors the greatest?
If 10 percent of all the faculty members under 40 at University X are in the fine arts department, approximately what percent of the faculty members in the fine arts department are under 40?


25000 +道题目

