

Children will often present their egocentric frustrations with appeals to objective standards of fairness; doing so does not indicate duplicity but rather the fact that, for many children, private sufferings and social imbalances are______ .
The membership of the two clubs being______,no one had a member's perspective on both.
The overall message of this book on neuroscience is (i) _______: the brain is quite (ii) _______,and therefore damaged brains can be healed, aging brains can be rejuvenated, and even ordinarily healthy brains can be made faster and better.
When in 1980 the father and son pair of Louis and Walter Alvarez and their colleagues linked the end Cretaceoure extinction to a catastrophic extraterrestrial impact, they were met with skepticism by most paleontologists, which was(i)______given that geological training since the mid-1800s had emphasized the primacy of (ii)_______ .
The novel`s heroine shows a remarkable (i) ______ to worship at the altar of youth; in her world, youth is(ii) ______ , while age, by contrast, confers competence and wisdom.
The potential (i)______ exploiting mineral resources in the area combined with (ii) ______ participation among local people in conservation efforts may lead to a(iii) ______ human appreciation for the landscape and eventually contribute to disadvantageous effects for conservation.
Those who initially recorded American Indian oral stories often ______ them when they wrote them down; the subsequent publishers of American Indian stories, therefore, are not the first to affect the meaning of the text.
______ the idea that attention is a limited resource, scientists have repeatedly observed that drivers using mobile phones are slower to react and more apt to miss important details than are drivers focused solely on road.
Meteorology is one of the few fields of applied science that demands prediction; since prediction involves considerable uncertainty and uncertainty is _____ scientists, meteorology will continue to exist in a fraught intellectual space.
The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also ______, with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.
Conspicuous structural inconsistencies distinguish the Ephesiaka of Xenophon from other ancient Greek novels. Its narrative texture is uneven, the story's pace varies erratically, and compared with other novels, it is inferior in composition. The quality of the Ephesiaka was first questioned by Burger, who maintained that much of the work is an epitome(summary). This idea was used to account for the work's narrative shortcomings: the choppy pace, the lack of motivation for certain events, the abrupt introduction of characters. However, it is doubtful that Ephesiaka is an epitome because, as an epitome, it is a worse job than it is as a novel. Even in passages Burger thinks are epitomized inconsequential details such as Anthia feeding her dogs are retained, but potentially significant actions of gods are excised.
The author mentions "Anthia feeding her dogs" primarily in order to support
Consider each of the choices separately and select apply all that apply.

It can be inferred that the author of the passage disagrees with Burger about which of the following?
In his 2005 book, America's Constitution: A Biography, Akhil Reed Amar offers a radically democratic rationale for the legitimacy of the United States Constitution as the country's paramount legal authority. In Amar's eyes, the legitimacy of law is a function of its process of enactment: the more democratic the process, the more authoritative the law. Thus he contends that if a federal statute in the United States conflicts with the provisions of a treaty between the United States and a foreign country, the statute should prevail because, while treaties are made by the assent of the president and the United States Senate alone, statutes also require the concurrence of the House of Representatives, a larger legislative body closer to the people themselves. By the same logic, the greatest of all authorities in the United States is the Constitution which was enacted more democratically than any other law. Unlike laws, which are passed by the people's elected representatives, the Constitution-so the story goes-was adopted directly by the people themselves.

It would be naive, of course, to imagine that the process by which the United States Constitution was written and ratified in the 1780s was democratic as we understand democracy. The restriction of the vote almost exclusively to White men, to say nothing of the existence of slavery, would mock such a claim. Amar is keenly aware of these deficiencies. and he does not minimize them. In fact, throughout his discussion of the original Constitution, Amar exposes the corrosive influence of slavery at almost every turn. And unlike many writers before him, Amar does not protest that at least the Constitution laid the seeds of slavery's eventual destruction in the United States: it would be comforting, he says, to believe that it did, but it didn`t. Yet alongside his relentless exposition of slavery's role, he describes little-noticed ways in which the adoption of the Constitution was a remarkably democratic act. Amar notes that many states that ordinarily limited voting to propertied citizens relaxed their property qualifications when it came to constitutional ratification, thus allowing a broader-than-usual electorate to decide the country's most fundamental question. This piece of history is not part of the common knowledge of constitutional lawyers, and Amar deserves credit for bringing it to the foreground.
The author notes that "treaties are made by the assent of the president and the United States Senate alone" in order to help
The passage indicates which of the following about the "relaxation of property qualifications"?
According to the passage, the idea that the Constitution "laid the seeds of slavery's eventual destruction" represents
In Amar's argument, the fact that many states "relaxed their property qualifications" serves primarily as


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