


Quantity A


Quantity B


Ann`s monthly take-home pay is x dollars. After she pays for food and rent, she has y dollars left.

Quantity A


Quantity B


The standard deviation of n numbers $$x_{1}$$, $$x_{2}$$, $$x_{3}$$,......, $$x_{n}$$, with mean $$\overline{x}$$ is equal to $$\sqrt{\frac{s}{n}}$$, where S is the sum of the squared differences $$(x_{i} - \overline{x})^{2}$$ for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

1 < a < b < 9

Quantity A

The standard deviation of the numbers 1, a, 9

Quantity B

The standard deviation of the numbers 1, b, 9

How many two-digit positive integers are equal to the product of two different prime numbers greater than 2?
A certain sign is in the shape of a regular octagon where the distance between any twoo opposite sides is 79 centimeters. Approximately what is the perimeter, in centimeters, of the sign?
A certain candle store has 1,000 unscented candles, 1,000 blue candles, and 2,000 white candles in stock. Of the blue candles, 75 percent are scented, and of the white candles, 85 percent are scented. If a customer buys all the unscented blue candles and all the unscented white candles, how many unscented candles will remain in stock?
$$d_1, d_2$$, and $$d_3$$ are nonzero digits. $$S$$ is the sum of the three 3-digit positive integers $$d_1d_2d_3, d_2d_3d_1$$, and $$d_3d_1d_2$$. For example, if $$d_1, d_2$$, and $$d_3$$ are 2, 4, and 7, respectively, then S=247+472+724=1,443.

Quantity A


Quantity B


The sum of the digits of a two-digit integer is 6 more than the tens digit minus the units digit. What is the units digit?
A 100-dollar bill is exchanged at a bank for bills in denominations of 5, 10, and 20 dollars. If each of the three types of bills is received, what is the least number of bills that could be received?
Which of the following statements about hydrothermal vents can be inferred from the passage?
k is randomly selected from the set of integers from 1 to 100, inclusive.

Quantity A

The probability that (k)(k+1)(k+2)(k+3) (k+4) is divisible by 20

Quantity B


Quantity A

The percent of the people surveyed who gave "greater independence" or "paperless statements" or both as reasons

Quantity B


Of the 200 integers in a set, the 65th percentile is 20.

Quantity A

The arithmetic mean of the integers in the set

Quantity B


One of the solutions of the equation $$x^{2}+bx+c=0$$ is -3.

Quantity A


Quantity B


In the figure above, all points below the line l satisfy which of the following inequalities?
In triangle ABC, AB=9 and BC=12. Which of the following values could be the perimeter of triangle ABC?

Indicate all such values.

In the figure shown, AB is parallel to EC and the length of ED is $$\frac{1}{3}$$ od the length of AD.

Quantity A

The ratio of the area of triangle ECD to the area of quadrilateral ABCE

Quantity B


In the figure, all of the connecting line segments meet at right angles and x > 10.

Quantity A

The area of the enclosed region

Quantity B


Set S consists of 10 consecutive even integers. What is the range of the numbers in set S?


25000 +道题目

