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Argument中文提纲 1

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Argument中文提纲 1 收藏 纠错

作者: 发布时间:2022-09-15

(考古/论断/大并列小递进)Woven baskets characterized by a particulardistinctive pattern have

previously been found only in the immediatevicinity of the prehistoric village of Palea and therefore were believed tohave been unique to the Palean people. Recently,however, archaeologists discovered such a \"Palean\" basket in Lithos,an ancient village across the Brim River from Palea. The Brim River is very deep and broad(3), and so the ancient Paleans could only have crossed it by boat(1),but there is no evidence that the

Paleans hadboats. And boats capable of carrying groups of people and cargo were notdeveloped until thousands of years after the Palean people disappeared. Moreover, Paleans would have had no need tocross the river(5)—the woods around Palea are full of nuts, berries, andsmall game(4). It follows that theso-called Palean baskets were not unique to Palea(2). ★★★★★33

1.     The author fails to considerthe possibility that the Paleans may arrived in Lithos through other means. (I.T) ★★★★

2.     The Palean basket could arriveother place through many possible methods such as trade, or boats possessed byother culture. (I.T) ★★★★

3.     In Palean times, the Brim Rivermay not be as deep and broad as it is currently. (CP)★★

4.     The fact that there areabundant resources currently does not indicate that those resources alsoexisted in Palean times. (CP)★★★

5.     Other reasons other than foodshortages may well result in the migration of a culture. (I.E)




3   227, (城市,社会/提议/并列)The followingappeared as an editorial in a local newspaper.

\"Inorder to attract visitors to Central Plaza downtown and to return the plaza toits former glory(5), the city should prohibit skateboarding there and insteadallow skateboarders to use an area in Monroe Park(2). At Central Plaza,skateboard users are about the only people one sees now, and litter and defacedproperty have made the plaza unattractive(1). In a recent survey of downtownmerchants(3), the majority supported a prohibition on skateboarding in theplaza. Clearly, banning skateboarding inCentral Plaza will make the area a place where people can congregate for fun orfor relaxation(4,6).\" ★★★

1.     The author unfairly assumesthat it is the presence of skateboarders that result in the current situationof the plaza. (confusing the cause andthe effect) ★★★★★

2.     There may be some negativeimpacts of allowing skateboarders to use part of Monroe Park. (adv:disadv) ★★★

3.     The survey was based only ondata from downtown merchants, thus could not be representative of all citizens.(selective sample) ★★★★

4.     The author unfairly assumesthat banning skateboarding in Central Plaza would suffice to make the plaza anattractive place. (sufficiency of thesolution) ★★★★

5.     The author fails to considerother possible means to regain the plaza’s prosperity. (necessity of the solution) ★★★

6.     Skateboarding may actually behelpful for achieving the city\'s objective of providing a fun and relaxingplace for people to congregate.(adv:disadv) ★★★


4   (商业,地产/建议/对比+并列)The followingwas posted on an Internet real estate discussion site.

\"Of the two leading real estate firms in ourtown—Adams Realty and Fitch Realty—Adams is clearly superior. Adams has 40real estate agents. In contrast, Fitch has 25, many of whom work onlypart-time(1,2,5). Moreover, Adams\' revenue last year was twice as high as thatof Fitch, and included home sales that averaged

$168,000,compared to Fitch\'s $144,000(3,4,6). Homes listed with Adams sell faster aswell: ten years ago, I listed my home with Fitch and it took more than fourmonths to sell; last year, when I sold another home, I listed it with Adams,and it took only one month(7). Thus, ifyou want to sell your home quickly and at a good price, you should use Adams.\"★★

1.     The author provides no evidencethat the quality of a real estate firm is directly proportional to the numberof its agents or the number of hours per week that its agents work. (U.C) ★★★

2.     The author does not provide anyinformation about how many Adams agents work part-time.( ex parte information) ★★

3.     Last year’s sales result maynot be representative. (selective sample)★★★

4.     The disparity in sales volumecan readily be explained by factors other than the comparative quality of thetwo firms, such as serving area and location.(NCR) ★★★★

5.     For lack of data concerning theaverage number of homes sold per agent, we cannot evaluate the actualperformance of agents in the two firms.(V.D)★★

6.     The fact that the average salesprice of a home sold by Adams is higher than the average price of a home soldby Fitch does not indicate that Adams is more effective in selling homes than

Fitch. (NCR) ★★★★

7.     The disparity in the speed of asale is explainable by other plausible factors that would change through thetime, or some essential differences of the two properties. (F.A/I.C/PF)★★★



5   (交通安全/提议/类比)The followingappeared in a letter to the editor of the Balmer Island Gazette.

\"The population of Balmer Island increases to100,000 during the summer months. Toreduce the number of accidents involving mopeds and pedestrians(4), the towncouncil of Balmer Island should limit the number of mopeds rented by each ofthe island\'s six moped and bicycle rental companies(5) from 50 per day to 30per day(6) during the summer season(7). By limiting the number of rentals,the town council is sure to attain the 50 percent reduction in mopedaccidents(1,4) that was achieved last year in the neighboring island ofTorseau(3), when Torseau\'s town council enforced similar limits on mopedrentals(2).\" ★★★★

1.     The author assumes that allother conditions in Balmer that might affect the rate of moped-pedestrian accidentswill remain unchanged after the restrictions are enacted. (PF)★★

2.     The author fails to considerother possible explanations for the 50% decline in Torseau\'s moped accidentrate last year. (NCR) ★★★★

3.     Balmer Island and Torseau maynot be comparable. (F.A) ★★★★

4.     The author provides no evidencethat the same restrictions that served to reduce the incidence of all\"moped accidents\" by 50% would also serve to reduce the incidence ofaccidents involving \"mopeds and pedestrians\" by 50%. (U.C) ★★★

5.     We do not know what percentageof mopeds in Balmer Island is rented by the six companies.


6.     The author fails to provideaccurate data about the current number of mopeds rented by the six companiesper day. (I.I) ★★

7.     The proposed regulation may notbe necessary for the author’s purpose. (necessityof the solution) ★★★


6   45, (动物/推测/并列)The followingappeared as an editorial in a wildlife journal.

\"Arctic deer live on islands in Canada\'s arcticregion. They search for food by moving over ice from island to island during the course of a year. Theirhabitat is limited to areas warm enough to sustain the plants on which theyfeed, and cold enough, at least some of the year, for the ice to cover the seaseparating the islands, allowing the deer to travel over it. Unfortunately,according to reports from local hunters(1), the deer populations are declining.Since these reports coincide with recent global warming trends(2) that havecaused the sea ice to melt, we can concludethat the decline in arctic deer populations is the result of deer being unableto follow their age-old migration patterns(4) across the frozen sea(3).\"


1.     The accuracy of the reportsfrom local hunters can be cast doubt on.(selective sample) ★★★

2.     The global warming trends mayhave no effects on the specific region mentioned by the editorial. (C.S) ★★★★

3.     Alternative explanations canalso account for the decline in arctic deer population.(NCR) ★★


4.     The change in climate patternsdoes not necessarily lead to the decline in deer population, deer may adaptthemselves to the new weather by certain means. (NCR) ★★★★


7   44, (经营/决策/大并列小递进)Thefollowing is a recommendation from the business manager of Monarch Books.

\"Monarch Books should open a café in itsstore(5) to attract more customers(3) and better compete with Regal Books,which recently opened a café(1,2). Monarch,which has been in business at the same location for more than twenty years, hasa large customer following because it is known for its wide selection of books on all subjects. Opening the café would clearly attract more customers. The caféwould require relatively little space. Space could be made for the café bydiscontinuing the children\'s book section(4), which will likely become lesspopular(8) given that the last national census(6) indicated a significantdecline in the percent of the population(7) who are under age ten.\" ★★★

1.     The manager offers no evidencethat the two bookstores are comparable at every aspect. (F.A)


2.     We are not informed about thepossible change in the profit and number of customers of Regal Books afterRegal has opened the new café. (I.I) ★★★★

3.     No evidence could guaranteethat opening a café at Monarch will attract substantially more customers.(I.E) ★★★

4.     The manager fails to considerthe negative effects of cutting out children’s book section and opening the café. (adv:disadv) ★★★★★

5.     The manager fails to considerthe possible cost of opening the café. (adv:disadv)★★★

6.     The result of a national censusmay not be properly applied to a certain region. (C.S) ★★★

7.     Although the percent ofchildren in the general population has declined, the total number of childrenmay increase. (V.D) ★★★

8.     Granted that the number ofchildren who are under age ten has decreased, we can not ensure that the numberof children who go to our bookstore, or the need for children’s book will alsodecline. (NCR) ★★★

 (chong98) (chong99)

8   (学校建设/提议/并列)The followingappeared in a memo written by a dean at Buckingham


\"To serve the housing needs of our students,Buckingham College should build a new dormitory(4). Buckingham\'s enrollmentis growing and, based on current trends(1), shoulddouble over the next fifty years, thus making existing dormitories inadequate.Moreover, the average rent for an apartment in our town has increased(3) inrecent years(2). Consequently, studentswill find it increasingly difficult to afford off-campus housing. Finally, an attractive new dormitory wouldmake prospective students more likely to enroll at Buckingham(5,6).\"


1.     The dean assumes withoutjustification that the trends of increasing enrollment will continue in thefuture. (C→F) ★★★

2.     The dean unfairly assumes thatthe rent for off-campus apartment will continue to increase in the followingyears. (C→F) ★★★

3.     We do not know if the averagerent for off-campus apartment has increased to an extent that students cannotafford. (I.I/confusing comparison withvariation) ★★★

4.     The dean fails to illustratethat current dormitories in Buckingham could not meet students’ housing needs. (necessity of the solution) ★★★

5.     A new dormitory would beneither sufficient nor necessary for attracting prospective students. (sufficiency/necessity of the solution)★★★

6.     The dean’s assumption that moreprospective students will enroll at Buckingham conflicts the dean’s purpose ofsolving the housing problem. (negativeevidence) ★★★


9   (chong88)  (chong90)

10  (人类学/论断、预言/——The following appeared in an article written byDr. Karp, an anthropologist.

\"Twenty years ago(5) Dr. Field, a notedanthropologist, visited the island of Tertia and concluded from hisobservations that children in Tertia were reared by an entire village ratherthan by their own biological parents. However, my recent interviews withchildren living in the group of islands that includes Tertia(2) show that thesechildren spend much more time talking about their biological parents(1) thanabout other adults in the village. Thisresearch proves that Dr. Field\'s conclusion about Tertian village culture isfalse, and thus that the observation-centered approach to studying cultures isinvalid(3). Because they are using the interview-centered method, my team ofgraduate students working in Tertia will establish a much more accurateunderstanding of child-rearing traditions there and in other islandcultures.(4)\" ★★★★

1.     Talking more about theirbiological parents does not indicate that those children were reared by theirparents. (U.C) ★★★★★

2.     We do not know how many of thechildren interviewed by Dr. Karp were actually from island of Tertia. (I.I )★★★

3.     The facts cited by Dr. Karp donot necessarily prove that the observation-centered method used by Dr. Field isinvalid. (I.E) ★★★★

4.     No evidence could guarantee thatDr. Karp’s team will establish a more accurate understanding of island culturesjust because they are using the interview-centered method. (I.E) ★★★★★

5.     There may have been dramaticchanges in nurturing patterns of Teria children during the past

20 years. (PF)★★★



12(教育/提议/递进)The followingappeared in a memorandum from a dean at Omega University.

\"Fifteen years ago, Omega University implemented anew procedure that encouraged students to evaluate the teaching effectivenessof all their professors(1). Since that time, Omega professors have begun toassign higher grades in their classes, and overall student grade averages atOmega have risen by thirty percent.(2) Potentialemployers apparently believe the grades at Omega are inflated; this wouldexplain why Omega

graduates have not been as successful at gettingjobs as have graduates from nearby Alpha University(3,7).To enable its graduates to secure betterjobs, Omega University should now terminate student evaluation ofprofessors.(4,5,6)\" 

★★★211, 238

1.     The dean provides no evidenceabout the number or percentage of Omega students who participate in theprocedure. (V.D) ★★

2.     The argument also assumesunfairly that the grade-average increase is the result of the evaluationprocedure—rather than some other phenomenon. (post hoc, ergo propter hoc) ★★★★

3.     The dean\'s claim that gradeinflation explains why Omega graduates are less successful than Alpha graduatesin getting jobs is unjustified. (NCR)★★★★

4.     The dean ignores other possibleways by which Omega can increase its job-placement record. (necessity of the solution) ★★★

5.     Merely terminating theevaluation system might not suffice to enable Omega’s graduates to securebetter jobs. (sufficiency of thesolution) ★★★★

6.     The dean fails to mention thepositive effects of the evaluation system. (adv:disadv)★★★★★

7.     The graduates from the twouniversities may not be comparable. (F.A)★★


13(道路交通/提议/大并列小类比小递进)Thefollowing appeared in an editorial in a Prunty County newspaper. 

\"In an attempt to improve highway safety, PruntyCounty recently(1) lowered its speed limit from 55 miles per hour to 45 on allmajor county roads. But the 55 mphlimit should be restored, becausethis safety effort has failed. Most drivers are exceeding the new speedlimit(4) and the accident rate throughout Prunty County (2)has decreased onlyslightly(3). If we want to improve thesafety of our roads, we shouldinstead undertake the same kind of road improvement project that Butler Countycompleted five years ago(7): increasing lane widths and resurfacing roughroads(8). Today, major Butler County roads still have a 55 mph speed limit,yet there were 25 percent fewer reported(6) accidents in Butler County thispast year than there were five years ago(5).\" ★★★★55,119

1.     The author fails to rule outthe possibility that not enough time has passed to determine the effectivenessof this change in reducing the accident rate. (I.E) ★★★

2.     The author ignores thepossibility that the accident rate on the county\'s major roads has decreasedwhile on minor roads not subject to the speed-limit reduction it has increased.(I.I) ★★★★

3.     The argument assumes that allother factors affecting highway accident rates have remained unchanged sincethe county lowered its speed limit. (PF)★★★

4.     The fact that most drivers areexceeding the new speed limit does not indicate that the policy is ineffective.(NCR) ★★

5.     The author unfairly impliesthat the higher speed limit in Butler County has not served to increase theincidence of road accidents in that county. (lackof controlled experiment) ★★★

6.     The cited statistic involvesonly \"reported\" accidents in Butler County, we do not know thepercentage of accidents which are going unreported in that county. (I.I) ★★★

7.     The situation at Prunty Countyand Butler County may not be comparable. (F.A)★★★★

8.     The author fails to demonstratethat road improvement will be both sufficient and necessary to guarantee feweraccidents in Prunty County. (sufficiency/necessityof the solution) ★★★★


14    194,    (社会,就业/建议/对比)A recent study suggests that people who areleft-handed are more likely to succeed in business than are right-handedpeople. Researchersstudied photographs of 1,000 prominent business executives(3) and found that 21percent of these executives(1) wrote with their left hand(2). So the percentageof prominent business executives who are left-handed (21 percent) is almosttwice the percentage of people in the general population who are left-handed(11 percent). Thus, people who areleft-handed(5) would be well advised to pursue a career in business(4), whereaspeople who are right-handed would be well advised to imitate the businesspractices(6,7,8) exhibited by left-handers(9). ★★★★★

1.     The author fails to indicatewhat fraction of all business persons are left-handed. (V.D) ★★★

2.     People who write with theirleft hand are not necessarily left-handed. (U.C)★★★

3.     The 1,000 executives from thestudy are not necessarily representative of the overall population of prominentbusiness executives. (are the respondentsrepresentative?) ★★

4.     The photographs in themselvesprove little about the causal relationship between left-handedness and theability to succeed in business, many prominent executives might have risen totheir status not by way of their achievements or business acumen but throughother means. (NCR) ★★★★

5.     The facts cited by the authordo not indicate that all people who are left-handed are suitable for pursuingcareers in business. (C.S) ★★★

6.     The author unfairly assumesthat people who are right-handed also have strong will to succeed in business. (U.A) ★★★

7.     Merely imitating the businesspractices exhibited by left-handers may not suffice to guarantee businesssuccess. (NCR/sufficiency of thesolution) ★★★★

8.     Some business activitiesexhibited by left-handers could not be easily imitated. (feasibility of the conclusion) ★★★

9.     The author assumes withoutsubstantiation that the way in which left-handed people conduct business is theonly way to succeed in business. (necessityof the solution) ★★★


15    (chong51)

16137, (城市,生活休闲/预言/递进+并列)The followingappeared in an editorial in the Mason City newspaper. 

\"Atpresent, Mason City residents seldom use the nearby Mason River for any kind ofrecreational activity, even though surveys of the region\'s residents consistentlyrank water sports (swimming, fishing, and boating) as a favorite form ofrecreation. Since there have been complaints about the quality of the water inthe river, residents must be avoiding theriver because they think that it is not clean enough(1). But that situation is about to change: the agency responsible forrivers in our region has announced plans to clean up Mason River(2). Therefore, recreational use of the river islikely to increase(3), so the Mason City council will need toincrease its budget for improvements(5) to the publicly owned lands along theMason River(4).\"


1.     The author simply assumes thatit is the quality of the water in Mason River that prevents residents fromusing it for recreational activities. (NCR)★★★★

2.     No evidence could illustratethe effectiveness of the proposed plan, and how much time would it take for theplan to be effective, thus we cannot ensure that recreational use of the riverwill automatically increase. (I.I) ★★★★★

3.     The author fails to consider ifMason River is suitable for those water sports favored by residents in Mason,and if residents are willing to use the river for recreational activities. (feasibility of the conclusion) ★★★★

4.     Granted that recreational useof the river is to increase, we are not convinced that the use of the publiclyowned lands along the river will also increase. (U.A/H.G) ★★★

5.     The author does not provideevidence to illustrate the necessity of increasing budget for improvement s tothe public lands. (necessity of thesolution) ★★★



18    (传媒/决策/并列)The followingis a memorandum from the business manager of WLSS television station.

\"Over thepast year, our late-night news program has devoted increasingly more time tocovering national news and less time to covering weather and local news. Duringthe same time period, most of the complaints(1,4) we received from viewers wereconcerned with the station\'s coverage of weather and local news(2,3). Inaddition, several local businesses that used to run advertisements during ourlate-night news program have just cancelled their advertising contracts withus(5). Therefore, in order to attractmore viewers to our news programs and to avoid losing any further advertisingrevenues, we should expand the coverage of weather and local news on all(7) ournews programs(6).\" ★★★173

1.     The manager fails to providethe total number of complaints received before our coverage of news werechanged. (confusing comparison withvariation/V.D) ★★★

2.     The manager simply assumes thatthose complaints are representative of the opinions of our entire audience. (C.S) ★★★

3.     The manager fails to analyzethe actual attitude of our audience toward the late-night news program, theprogram might be welcome although there are a few complaints about it. (I.I) ★★


4.     The manager fails to inform usthe details of the complaints we received, thus we cannot evaluate if theseaudience are dissatisfied with the quantity of weather and local news. (I.I) ★★


5.     The manager unjustifiablyassumes that it is the change in our coverage of news that caused thosebusinesses to cancel their contract with us. (NCR) ★★★★

6.     The manager ignores many otherpossible methods to attract more viewers and to increase advertising revenues. (necessity of the solution) ★★★

7.     The necessity of expanding thecoverage of weather and local news on all our news programs is open to doubt. (C.S) ★★★


19    (chong17)

20    (chong18)

21    (chong10)

22    242, (教育/建议/类比+并列)The followingappeared as an editorial in the student newspaper of Groveton College.

\"To combat the recently reported dramaticrise in cheating among college and university students, these institutionsshould adopt honor codes(8) similar to Groveton\'s(9,10), which calls forstudents to agree(1) not to cheat in their academic endeavors and to notify afaculty member if they suspect that others have cheated(2). Groveton\'shonor code replaced an old-fashioned system in which students were closelymonitored by teachers and an

14 )