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The force of the evidence cited in the passage is most seriously weakened if which of the following is true?
  • A.For ships on the Ramian Sea during the period, a full load of liquid cargo stored in large ceramic jars was not likely to be significantly heavier than a full load of other kinds of cargo that were typical of the period.
  • B.There are no surviving records dating from the period that detail specific cargoes shipped across the Raman Sea.
  • C.The ratio of liquid to solid cargo shipped across the Ramian Sea did not vary significantly over the period.
  • D.The presence of a sizable quantity of large ceramic jars on the ocean floor is so visually striking that a shipwreck of a ship carrying such jar is more likely to be noticed and reported than are shipwrecks of ships carrying other cargoes.
  • E.During the period, grain and other solid cargo was shipped across the Ramian Sea in containers made from material other than clay.


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