Compared with doctors who see patients only in their offices, doctors who see their patients in the patients' homes develop a more personal relationship with them. Their patients are also less likely to bring malpractice suits against them. This lower rate of malpractice suits clearly supports the common belief that having a close relationship with a doctor increases a patient's willingness to give that doctor the benefit of the doubt when difficulties arise.
Which of the following, if true of doctors who make house calls, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.They are more likely than are doctors who do not make house calls to believe that a doctor's bedside manner is an important part of medical treatment.
B.They see their patients more frequently than do doctors who do not make house calls and so acquire more information about the patients' conditions.
C.They tend to have fewer years of experience at practicing medicine than do doctors who do not make house calls.
D.They perform all the same types of treatment as doctors who do not make house calls.
E.They are not charged any less for malpractice insurance than are doctors who do not make house calls.