Despite its substantial cost, more and more car owners are using the Spandler antitheft system because cars equipped with it are less likely to be stolen than cars with other antitheft devices. Even if greater use of the Spandler system does not reduce the number of cars that are stolen each year, the total monetary amount of reimbursements that insurance companies pay each year to owners of unrecovered stolen cars is likely to decline, since_____.
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A.the reimbursement an insurance company makes to the owner of a stolen car is typically less than the purchase price of the car
B.stolen cars that are equipped with the Spandler system are just as likely to be recovered as are other stolen cars
C.the more expensive a car is, the more likely the owner is to equip it with the Spandler system
D.the amount an insurance company pays on a given claim is independent of the total number of claims on which it has to pay
E.some car manufacturers are now installing the Spandler system as standard equipment on their new cars