One cause adopted by some late-nineteenth-century European and American feminists was dress reform. Criticizing the corsets and voluminous skirts of conventional women's fashions as restrictive and unhealthy, dress reformers introduced trouser-like garments for women, but the intense hostility of public reaction soon convinced most reformers to abandon these costumes except in private or for athletic activities. However, mainstream women's fashions themselves began to include elements that blurred rigid gender distinctions. Alongside the fashionable feminine styles, often originating in Paris, that symbolized and enforced conventional feminine roles, an alternative style developed that included masculine touches: tailored jackets, neckties, and pointed collars. This alterative style became popular without provoking the public antipathy inspired by reform costumes, and indeed many women undoubtedly wore it without intending to make a political statement. That the alterative style did nonetheless have political implications may be inferred from its rejection by the English Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), a militant suffragist group. Knowing that its opponents would attempt to thwart women's efforts to gain suffrage by demonizing its members as unfeminine, the WSPU enacted a dress code forbidding members to wear tailored, men's-style clothing.
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