A tree called melaleuca, introduced from Australia into the Florida Everglades in the late 1800s, now threatens certain indigenous Floridian trees with extinction. Since an Australian insect species controls melaleuca's population in Australia, introducing that insect species into Florida will help preserve the indigenous Floridian trees by controlling the population of melaleuca in Florida.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the argument?
A.The Australian insect species that feeds on melaleuca does not feed on trees of the family to which the indigenous Floridian trees belong.
B.Australia is one of only a few places inhabited by those insect species that feed on melaleuca.
C.The trees now threatened by melaleuca have been successfully transplanted to areas outside of Florida.
D.No Australian tree species is threatened by melaleuca as seriously as are the indigenous Floridian trees.
E.The export of members of the insect species from Australia is unlikely to have a significant effect on the population of melaleuca growing there.